Stabroek News

James not returning to SOCU

- Ramjattan


Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan yesterday disclosed that while the contract of former embattled head of the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) Sydney James has not expired, he will not be returning to the unit.

“I think his (James) contract has not expired but he is on administra­tive leave and somebody else named Althea Padmore has taken on his function. So, he is not going to come back,” Ramjattan told reporters following the commission­ing of the new Parfaite Harmonie Police Station.

Meanwhile, Commission­er of Police Leslie James said Sydney James recently fell ill and as a result he would be subject to continued questionin­g after he recovers.

“What I can tell you about Mr James, I understand he has fallen ill recently and we will follow up on that. It’s dependent on how soon he recovers from his illness then we will continue speaking with Mr James,” the Commission­er stated.

He added that a hand over is currently in progress. It was the Police Commission­er who initiated the audit in February following claims of grave mismanagem­ent, including the spending of the operationa­l fund.

That audit, which covered the last three years, was completed sometime in April and the final report handed over to the Top Cop. Among the more than a dozen recommenda­tions made by the force’s Audit Department was the immediate transfer of Sydney James and his secretary.

On May 3rd, Ramjattan had said that the “damning” findings of the police audit require the “shifting around” of persons and possibly firings.

“I understand that action will be taken by the Commission­er…I saw the report and it is not a very nice report,” Ramjattan had said in response to questions from this newspaper. In early July, Sydney James was sent on administra­tive leave after receiving a letter from the Commission­er of Police following reports of grave mismanagem­ent of the unit, which included misuse of the funds set aside for the running of the office.

Days after, it was announced that Padmore is currently acting as the Head of the unit.

President David Granger has also said that the unit will not be dismantled and assured that gov- ernment will work to ensure public confidence in it is restored.

 ??  ?? Sydney James
Sydney James

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