Stabroek News

-court hears


A bus driver accused of assaulting and threatenin­g a policeman, among other offences, was denied bail when he appeared at the Georgetown Magistrate­s’ Court yesterday.

Tavin Ahmad was slapped with five charges which were read to him by Principal Magistrate Faith McGusty at the Georgetown Magistrate­s’ Court.

Ahmad, 30, of Lot 2460 Parfait Harmonie, West Bank Demerara, was charged with unlawfully and maliciousl­y assaulting a police constable; resisting arrest by the said police constable; damaging a t-shirt valued $2,500, the property of the Guyana Police Force; using threatenin­g behaviour and lastly, behaving disorderly within the public’s hearing on September 13th at Camp Street.

He pleaded not guilty to the charges and informed the court that on the day in question, he was told by another officer to take his bus to the Brickdam police station and he complied. He said that he did not in any way disrespect the officer who made the allegation­s.

However, the officer, who was present in court, said that Ahmad was disrupting the traffic and he [the officer], along with another officer, approached and told him to go the police station. The court heard that the officer decided to escort Ahmad by taking a ride on the bus but the driver pulled off just when the policeman was about to board the vehicle.

Police Prosecutor Seon Blackman also presented facts that were reported in the matter. While most of the prosecutor’s informatio­n supported the police constable’s story, he added that Ahmad told the policeman that he would kill him and spend time in jail for him and that he is not afraid of the police. Blackman objected to bail being granted, pointing out that Ahmad has pending matters in other courtrooms for traffic violations and assaulting an officer.

The magistrate remanded Ahmad after he confirmed that he has other pending matters at court. He will return to court on September 25th, 2019.

 ??  ?? Tavid Ahmad
Tavid Ahmad

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