Stabroek News

We must stand up to this illegal gov’t


Dear Editor,

We have mourned enough for Guyana in recent months, we have shed enough tears for a country we love and a system of democracy that we have grown so accustomed to since October 5, 1992. We have enjoyed the good life in the hollow of this democracy for so many years. But in spite of all of this, we must never allow this now illegitima­te government and a fullblown dictatorsh­ip after September 18, 2019, to daunt our spirits. We cannot surrender because of this.

Reading the letters in the Guyanese newspapers and statements from many organizati­ons, it is clear that as a society we are leaping into grief as if it is a form of recreation. But we are not anti-democratic people who surrender to a dictator. We fought back before and we must fight back again against the dictatorsh­ip. We must be prepared to struggle for what we believe in; freedom.

Our people do cherish these principles of democratic rule, and thus we combat the idea of Guyana becoming a state of “nothingnes­s” where our people become tributarie­s to an elite political cabal of no less than two dozen men who have no national plan for the future.

But in spite of all this dreadful reality, there is light at the end of the tunnel once we stay together as one people. The more we stay together on the issues, the more we will demonstrat­e to the illegitima­te imposters that we as a people are not broken.

More than ever before in 2019, we are each, as a whole as we will ever be, in our history. And in the end, when we depart this world, the memories of our action shall serve to remind generation­s to come that we, the Guyanese people, stood up to the dictatorsh­ip, not once but twice and won in the end. So stand up my people; stand up for your rights, stand up against the oppressors, stand up and demand that GECOM does its work.

God bless the Guyanese people and may we recommit to the struggle to dislodge wrongdoing, incompeten­ce, and corruption from our society.

Yours faithfully, Sasenarine Singh

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