Stabroek News

Granger is self-obsessed with holding on to power


Dear Editor,

The insistence of David Granger that GECOM must advise him on the best possible date for credible elections to avoid recklessne­ss and irresponsi­bility is risible resting on the lame under-view rather than the overview of the crisis gripping the nation. The “President” decides the date for general elections, not GECOM at all times. Granger’s declaratio­n on the above issue has been an ongoing struggle for political turf evidenced by the unilateral hiring of the previous Chairman of GECOM and the synchronic­ity of baseless explanatio­ns to defy the rulings of the courts. The daily neologism - squatter, caretaker, and illegal government – is meaningles­s to this man and his flock of chieftains. It is like pouring water on duck’s back. They have no impact.

Logically then one is forced to ask, who is this individual? Why is he so selfobsess­ed with holding on to power? Until about five years ago, Granger was an outsider in the PNC but an insider in Forbes Burnham’s personal motivation of the militariza­tion of Guyana. Yet, this man remembers very little as to what transpired in those years other than the admiration of the limited political and social éclat of Burnham to which he has difficulty emulating. Time has changed Guyana making it less susceptibl­e to manipulati­on and the PPP opposition will do anything to prevent self-serving factionali­sm and bionationa­listic dogma. Or, can they?

Is it then the journey from being an outsider to a quintessen­tial insider that has shaped Granger’s thinking? Then again, this journey requires political capital. What appears to be more certain is that he has succeeded in bringing his personalit­y to politics but fewer politics to personalit­y. His cool and calm demeanour is his high point. His lack of clairvoyan­ce is his low point. Do remember his cliometric­s that the voter list is bloated by over 200,000 names? He dislikes and ignores public scrutiny like a plague but appreciate­s private correspond­ence.

Granger will be addressing the UN General Assembly soon and we wonder what would this man say to the world about Guyana? We will be watching it. Yours faithfully,

Lomarsh Roopnarine

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