Stabroek News

Turkey opens ground assault on Syria’s Kurds; U.S. Republican­s turn on Trump


AKCAKALE, Turkey, (Reuters) - Turkish troops and their Syrian rebel allies attacked Kurdish militia in northeast Syria yesterday, pounding them with air strikes and artillery before starting a cross-border ground operation that could transform an eight-year-old war.

The assault began days after U.S. President Donald Trump pulled American troops out of the way, prompting denunciati­ons from senior members of his own Republican Party who say he abandoned the Syrian Kurds, loyal allies of Washington.

“The Turkish Armed Forces and the Syrian National Army have launched the land operation into the east of the Euphrates river as part of the Operation Peace Spring,” the Turkish defence ministry tweeted after nightfall, following a day of pounding the area from the air.

Turkish media reported troops entering Syria at four points, two of them close to the Syrian town of Tel Abyad and two close to Ras al Ain further east.

Turkey told the United Nations Security Council in a letter seen by Reuters that its military operation would be “proportion­ate, measured and responsibl­e.” The 15member body will meet today to discuss Syria at the request of the five European members, Britain, France, Germany, Belgium and Poland.

Thousands of people fled Ras al Ain towards Hasaka province, held by the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). The Turkish air strikes killed at least five civilians and three fighters from the SDF and wounded dozens of civilians, the SDF said.

Reuters journalist­s at Akcakale on the Turkish side of the frontier watched as explosions struck Tel Abyad. After dark, the red flare of rockets could be seen fired across the border into Tel Abyad, and flames burned near the town. Explosions from Tel Abyad could be heard eight hours into the bombardmen­t. A witness reached by telephone said civilians were fleeing en masse.

SDF fighters repelled a ground attack by Turkish troops in Tel Abyad, SDF spokesman Mustafa Bali said on Twitter.

The assault on the Kurds - for years Washington’s main allies on the ground in Syria - is potentiall­y one of the biggest shifts in years in the Syrian war that has drawn in global and regional powers. The Kurds played a leading role in capturing territory from Islamic State, and now hold the largest swathe of Syria outside of the hands of President Bashar al-Assad.

Russia, Assad’s strongest foreign ally, urged dialogue between Damascus and Syria’s Kurds.

Trump’s decision to pull forces out of the way was denounced by some Kurds as a “stab in the back”.


Trump called the Turkish assault a “bad idea” and said he did not endorse it. He expected Turkey to protect civilians and religious minorities and prevent a humanitari­an crisis, he said.

But one of Trump’s closest fellow Republican allies, Senator Lindsey Graham, said failing to support the Kurds would be “the biggest mistake of his presidency”.

Representa­tive Liz Cheney, a Republican hawk, said: “The U.S. is abandoning our ally the Kurds, who fought ISIS (Islamic State) on the ground and helped protect the U.S. homeland. This decision aids America’s adversarie­s, Russia, Iran, and Turkey, and paves the way for a resurgence of ISIS.”

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan, announcing the start of the action, said the aim was to eliminate what he called a “terror corridor” on Turkey’s southern border.

European and Arab countries called on Ankara to halt.

Turkey had been poised to enter northeast Syria since the U.S. troops who had been fighting alongside Kurdish-led forces against Islamic State started to leave.

 ??  ?? Smoke rises from the Syrian border town of Ras al-Ain as it is pictured from the Turkish town of Ceylanpina­r in Sanliurfa province, Turkey, October 9, 2019. REUTERS/Stringer
Smoke rises from the Syrian border town of Ras al-Ain as it is pictured from the Turkish town of Ceylanpina­r in Sanliurfa province, Turkey, October 9, 2019. REUTERS/Stringer

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