Stabroek News

PPP/C consulted in good time with toshaos council chairman on its planned activity


Dear Editor,

I have observed the circulatio­n of a video clip of the Chairman of the National Toshaos Council (NTC), Nicholas Fredericks, which conveys a misleading impression that the People’s Progressiv­e Party/ Civic (PPP/C) activity on Monday (October 7, 2019) evening to engage the Toshaos, who gathered for the 2019 NTC Conference, was somehow a lastminute event.

I wish to offer some clarity on this issue. Mr. Fredericks, as per the recording, claimed that: “...(they are) now circulatin­g invitation­al cards to a reception by the Opposition when we were verbally invited, and documented invitation­s also, to a reception with His Excellency this evening. He is expecting us to interact with him this evening.”

Editor, first the PPP/C followed a respectful process in seeking to engage the Amerindian leaders who gathered for the 2019 NTC Conference.

Mr. Fredericks’ comments were blatantly misleading. A letter, dated October 2, 2019, was sent to him as Chairman of the NTC, by PPP/C Parliament­arian, Pauline Sukhai, on behalf of the Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo. That letter requested that the NTC communicat­e with the PPP/C a convenient date for an engagement with the NTC Executives, Toshaos and other stakeholde­rs who gathered for the 2019 NTC Conference. A response was proffered and the evening of October 7, 2019 was suggested as an appropriat­e time. We began circulatio­n of the invitation­s over the weekend, continuing up to the morning of Monday, October 7, 2019.

Secondly, editor, the official agenda for the 2019 NTC Conference did not feature an engagement with Mr. David Granger on October 7, 2019. Rather, Mr. Granger’s activity was clearly a last-minute attempt to counter the engagement planned by the PPP/C. The official agenda for the 2019 NTC Conference made it clear that an activity with Mr. Granger was scheduled for Friday, October 11, 2019.

While the PPP/C consulted with the NTC on its planned activity, I am sure that Mr. Granger did not.

Editor, I also wish to address other comments made by the NTC Chairman, who sought to link the ‘behaviour’ of PPP/C Parliament­arians, in attendance at the opening of the 2019 NTC Conference, to the attendance of the Toshaos and stakeholde­rs at Mr. Granger’s event. The PPP/C officials who attended the opening ceremony did so out of respect for our Amerindian leaders. We are under no obligation to Mr. Granger. Respect has to be earned. Why must we be asked to respect an official who demonstrat­ed no respect for the Guyanese people or our laws; rather he continues to defy our Constituti­on and has pushed our nation into unconstitu­tional rule?

It is clear that Mr. Fredericks was prevailed upon to act in the manner he did – trying to find an excuse to dissuade the Amerindian leaders from attending the PPP/C activity.

Regardless, the PPP/C activity was well attended and we are greatly appreciati­ve of the fact that our Amerindian leaders took time to engage with us.

Yours faithfully,

Nigel Dharamlall,


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