Stabroek News

Linden Memorial Monument refurbishe­d


Dear Editor,

Permit me space in your column to share my views on some matters of interest to Lindeners and Guyanese as a whole. Quite recently, the Mayor and Town Council of Linden in collaborat­ion with the Bauxite Company (BOSAI) and other interested groups and concerned citizens, refurbishe­d and beautified the Memorial Monument, situated south of the Republic Avenue. That in itself is clearly a demonstrat­ion that Lindeners are a people who do things with the little we have.

On behalf of the Linden

Tourism Associatio­n and myself, we extend congratula­tions! for a job well done. The Linden Tourism Associatio­n is under serious and constant verbal attack by some citizens of Linden who are unaware of their involvemen­t. That causes Linden to retrogress whereby outsiders have to come to Linden and criticize and perform functions that can be done by Lindeners. Let’s look at our surroundin­gs, how we dispose of our garbage, how our taxi and mini bus drivers speak, dress and attack passengers on our streets. As a proud Lindener

I know a change will come. One of our taxi drivers who is always well dressed and stands out among the rest is Mr. Dean Millington aka Lie Low, congratula­tions, keep on doing what you are doing Mr. Lie Low.

While Guyanese are talking oil, oil, oil tourism is said to be the second revenue earner. Presently therefore, let’s educate ourselves and continue to produce food, it’s the best way forward for the small man. The time has come to recognize ethnicity and political division is taking us nowhere. Let’s remember, we cannot live separately, therefore, we are better together.

Yours faithfully, B. Winslow Parris

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