Stabroek News

Suspected motorcycle thief fatally shot by police

-after pillion rider opens fire


A motorcycli­st was fatally wounded by the police during the wee hours of yesterday in Plaisance, East Coast Demerara (ECD) after he and another man attempted to evade lawmen shortly after they allegedly stole a motorcycle.

The dead man has been identified as Kevin Thomas also known as “Cross eye”, 19, of Sophia.

Thomas was shot once in his abdomen during the incident which took place around 2.30 am at Victoria Road, Plaisance, ECD. The other man managed to escape and is yet to be apprehende­d.

The police in a press release yesterday said that ranks on a mobile patrol observed the suspicious actions of the duo.

Upon noticing the police, Thomas and his accomplice allegedly sped through several streets on the stolen motorcycle, CK 1893 and the police chased after them.

The motorcycle the men were on was reported missing from a La Bonne Intention, ECD premises early yesterday morning.

“As the ranks were closing in on the suspects, the pillion rider drew a handgun and began firing at the lawmen who returned fire hitting the cyclist (Thomas),” the police said.

As a result, both Thomas and his accomplice fell off the motorcycle and the shooter escaped.

Thomas was taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPH) where he succumbed while receiving medical attention.

The owner of the motorcycle told the police that he was alerted of the theft after he heard the dogs barking. The police said that the man related that he then ventured on a bicycle in search of his motorcycle when he noticed two men riding it on the Beterverwa­gting Embankment.

“The 50-year-old victim related that in an attempt to stop the men, he threw his bicycle in their path but they swerved and fled the area”, the police added.

The man subsequent­ly saw the police in possession of the motorcycle and positively identified it.

In January last year, Thomas and another man were remanded to prison after they were charged with robbing a man at knife point of his cellular phone and other valuables.

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Kevin Thomas
 ??  ?? Kevin Thomas
Kevin Thomas

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