Stabroek News

Lawrence calls for justice, unity


Welcoming the restoratio­n of calm on the Upper East Coast and West Bank of Berbice, People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) Chairperso­n Volda Lawrence yesterday maintained the call for those behind the gruesome murders of four young men in recent days to be urgently brought to justice, while issuing an appeal for national unity

In a statement, Lawrence also assured that she was resolute in going the full way until justice is served. She, however, said protests must be held in a peaceful and civil manner and with respect for human life, dignity and property. “Our protest must be solution oriented and not driven by chaos, violence, and destructio­n. For those that have utilized violence or caused destructio­n, please refrain from such acts as we seek justice for those who were taken from us,” she said.

She also said that racism in the country has to be addressed but that this cannot be solved with more racism. “We have carried the burden of racism in our country for far too long, it is time that we rid ourselves of this weight and move our country forward,” she said, while noting her support in the call and protest for justice for Orlando Jonas, Isaiah Henry, Joel Henry and Haresh Singh. “As we stand up for what is right, we must not find ourselves on the wrong side of the law, lest our message is lost, and our cause is undermined,” she added.

While calling on the government and the police force to bring the perpetrato­rs of the gruesome murders to justice, Lawrence said that the families of the victims need closure, their communitie­s need closure, she needs closure and Guyana needs to heal. “The people will not accept any outcome that is void of justice and we, the people, wish to make this very pellucid. Therefore, the opportunit­y to deliver justice should not be squandered, to protect and/ or hide wicked people from the full brunt of the law,” she said.

According to Lawrence, the citizenry will have some serious introspect­ion to do before they can bridge the existing divide in the country that is driven by racism. “Racism cannot be solved with more racism. At the end of the day, we all are sons and daughters of Guyana; we have to live with each other, we still have to travel together, go to school together and work together. And believe it or not we all want the same thing, and that is a better Guyana for all, young and old, rich and poor. We can only achieve this if we do it as one people, united in our vision for Guyana. We all belong to one race, and that is the human race. This is my call for unity,” she said.

 ??  ?? Volda Lawrence (at right) meeting with a relative of the Henry cousins
Volda Lawrence (at right) meeting with a relative of the Henry cousins

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