Stabroek News

Suspect confesses in murder of man who fired shotgun at protesters


As the police probe into the murder of Prettipaul Hargobin widens, one of the suspects who was arrested in relation to the crime has confessed while another and his wife were yesterday charged with the illegal possession of the firearm belonging to Hargobin.

Speaking to Stabroek News yesterday, Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum said that one of the main suspects in the matter, Marlon Dharamdai was charged after investigat­ions revealed that he allegedly relieved Hargobin of a shotgun which he had in his possession.

Dharamdai allegedly took the shotgun home. The weapon was allegedly found in the possession of his wife, Heerwattie Dharamdai.

Marlon also known as “Bully”, 33 and Heerwattie, 40, both of Bath Settlement Village, West Coast Berbice (WCB) were both remanded to prison yesterday after they were charged with the unlawful possession of a firearm without licence.

They pleaded not guilty and were remanded to prison until September 16th. The couple appeared at the Blairmont Magistrate’s Court.

Hargobin, 34, of Waterloo, Bath, WCB was rushed to the Fort Wellington Public Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival just around 4 pm last Wednesday.

He was beaten to death after he opened fired on a group of protestors at Bath Settlement, WCB.

Enquiries, the police said revealed that Hargobin, was in his motor vehicle on the Public Road at Bath Settlement when it was observed that he exited the vehicle with a shotgun and discharged one round into the air, before dischargin­g three rounds towards a crowd of protestors who were about 60 meters away.

As a result, the police said that Hargobin was attacked by the crowd and beaten. “The police who (were) some distance away having observed the commotion rushed to the scene where they discovered the victim lying on the ground with several injuries about his body,” the statement added.

A total of five suspects are in custody in relation to the murder of Hargobin. Among them is the suspect who allegedly torched Hargobin’s vehicle.

Blanhum confirmed that one of the suspects has admitted his involvemen­t in the crime. He also implicated the others.

Stabroek News was informed that the suspect reportedly told the police that on the day in question, Hargobin approached the protestors in a grey Tundra motor vehicle and he stopped.

He said Hargobin exited the vehicle in a fit of rage and asked for a motorcycli­st. The suspect related that Hargobin was using a series of expletives.

He said someone attempted to calm

Hargobin down but he continued. According to the suspect, Hargobin threatened to kill everyone present. He then left and returned a few minutes later with the shotgun.

The suspect further related that Hargobin ran to the protestors and discharged several rounds in various directions.

Subsequent­ly, the suspect added that Hargobin and two of the other suspects in custody were engaged in a scuffle. During the process, Hargobin was relieved of the shotgun.

He said one of the suspects began to beat Hargobin. Upon completion, he said the suspect left the scene with the shotgun afterwhich he too left the scene.

 ??  ?? Prettipaul Hargobin
Prettipaul Hargobin

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