Stabroek News

U.S. offers Brazil telecoms financing to buy 5G equipment from Huawei rivals


BRASILIA/WASHINGTON, (Reuters) - The U.S. government stepped up an offensive yesterday to keep China’s Huawei Technologi­es out of Brazil’s 5G market, with Washington offering to finance purchases by Brazilian telecom companies of equipment from its competitor­s.

During a visit to Brasilia, officials of the U.S. Internatio­nal Developmen­t Finance Corporatio­n (DFC), the U.S. EXIM bank and the National Security Council told reporters that funding was available to buy equipment from other companies.

The U.S. delegation was headed by National Security adviser Robert O’Brien, who met with Bolsonaro before they attended the signing of an EXIM bank financing agreement that identifies areas of business cooperatio­n that includes 5G telecoms.

In Washington, top U.S. officials urged Brazil to carefully monitor Chinese investment­s in Brazil and moves by Beijing to expand its influence in Latin America’s largest economy through sale of 5G technology by Huawei.

China’s Embassy in Brazil on Twitter accused the United States of seeking a networking “monopoly,” but said it believed most countries would remain independen­t and make their own decisions regarding 5G.

U.S. Trade Representa­tive Robert Lighthizer said trade agreements reached with Brazil on Monday would pave the way for further negotiatio­ns on steel, ethanol and sugar, and promote greater U.S. investment as Washington moves to provide a counter- weight to China’s expansion in the region.

“I would say clearly there is a China element ... in everything that all of us do,” Lighthizer told an event hosted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. “China has made a very significan­t move in Brazil. They’re Brazil’s biggest trading partner, so it’s something that we’re concerned about.”

Lighthizer’s remarks were part of a full-court press. White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow said Washington had urged Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and other Brazilian officials to keep a close watch on China’s investment­s and advanced technologi­es.

“We have encouraged Brazil .. to try to work together to make sure that we watch China carefully with respect to all manner of technology and telephonin­g and 5G,” he told the event.

“We have taken actions here in the States; we continue to move, and it is my great hope that Brazil will move with us,” he added. “We hope that Brazil will also keep a careful, critical eye on Chinese investment.”

Washington believes Huawei would hand over data to the Chinese government for spying, a claim Huawei denies.

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