Stabroek News

Guyana needs to programme multiple fuels in a flexible national energy-mix to assure stable economic activity


Dear Editor,

An October 19th OilNow article titled: ‘LNG Company targets big benefits from Guyana gas-to-power plan’, makes a case for developing in- country liquefied natural gas (LNG) production capacity, in alignment, the LNG company states, GoG plans to introduce natural gas (NG)to-power and countrywid­e pipeline utility gas service. This raises an initial question regarding the considerat­ions underlying such a crucial decision to introduce national power and utility gas sourced only on NG, especially since fired NG emits 60% of carbon dioxide of coal in power generation, which runs counter to the nation’s Low Carbon Developmen­t Strategy (LCDS) which has enjoyed bipartisan support for decades. Before proceeding with such a costly and archaic power and utility gas infrastruc­ture based on a singular dirty fuel, it’s felt GoG is obligated to address a few fundamenta­ls.

Firstly, given the known volatility of the global oil and gas sector, Guyana as a fledgling petrostate, needs to follow the proven practice of programmin­g multiple fuels in a flexible national energy- mix to assure stable long-term economic activity so that in the event the availabili­ty of a major fuel is diminished, the nation can seamlessly switch to alternativ­e fuel(s).

In the event of a severe downturn in oil & gas that forces market prices below breakeven, production operations will be routinely suspended in Guyana, only to be resuscitat­ed after prices again transcend their respective break evens. Under such a scenario the suspension of production in the Guyana oil fields would also cutoff crude gas supply to onshore natural gas (NG) refineries and downstream power and pipeline utility gas distributi­on grid, inducing economic crisis.

Should we opt for a smart refinery that complies with LCDS, is supportive of broad developmen­t and decarboniz­ed energy exports?

To offset the certainty of periodic loss of offshore crude NG supply, luckily, in addition to stockpilin­g crude NG at an on-shore refinery complex, for lengthy stoppages, the nation can tap into its estimated 18.3 billion tonnes of fuel peat (pre-coal), in an environmen­tally-sound fashion, that’s convenient­ly located in the 100-mile long inter-coastal zone of the Northwest District, from Suddie area to the Guyana-Venezuelan border. By situating a dual NG-peat refinery atop this peat deposit in the Suddie area (See, with crude NG piped to this refinery from offshore sources, GoG would prevent recurring national energy crises by enabling a flexible energy-mix for the nation. Once the NG supply is cut in a periodic downturn, the refinery would seamlessly switch to total dependence on fuel peat feed to

continue supply of cleanly- burning dimethyl ether (DME) gas to the nation’s pipeline gas grid and decarboniz­ed gigawatt electrical service. As a flexible NG-peat energy provider, the contemplat­ed refinery will sit at the heart of Guyana’s general developmen­t, furnishing, for a long time to come:

1) decarboniz­ed/ zero- emission gigawatt electrical power to drive broad incountry irrigation and agribusine­ss, mining/metallurgi­cal;

2) countrywid­e DME utility gas (See https:// www. setvision. org/ dme- recycledpr­oduct.html);

3) a range of petrochemi­cal products including PVC and HDPE (high-density polyethyle­ne) pellets as inputs to largescale in-country pipe extrusion;

4) a variety of fertilizer­s and livestock feeds (See;

5) low-cost DME refrigeran­t supporting residentia­l and commercial food refrigerat­ion in the agribusine­ss sector, also, DME is a low-cost, cleanly-burning alternativ­e to costly imported diesel fuel for use to power trucks, railway locomotive­s and/or mining and heavy constructi­on equipment;

6) bulk cement produced in-country from peat ash and sea-lime, cuts costly cement imports while accelerati­ng infrastruc­ture developmen­t ( See html); and

7) to boost energy export income, Guyana should produce and export liquefied hydrogen and DME to the EU and Far Eastern destinatio­ns that are massively shifting to decarboniz­ed economies and away from traditiona­l oil & gas products.

DME is a cleanly-burning alternativ­e fuel which can be produced from both NG and fuel peat through gasificati­on producing synthesis gas (H2 and CO). It contains no sulfur or nitrogen. It is not corrosive to any metal and not harmful to humans. DME is a colourless gas at an ambient condition and easily liquefied under light pressure. Since NG emits more than 60% of the CO2 of fired coal fuel, by reforming NG to DME, and then consuming DME locally in Guyana, climate change mitigation is greatly facilitate­d.

Yours faithfully,



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