Stabroek News

Caribbean government­s should sign this declaratio­n on the right to life


Dear Editor,

The month of November is celebrated globally as the commemorat­ion of the signing of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. As Caribbean nations also prepare to join in celebratin­g our youth, there remains a grave threat to the lives and well-being of the youngest among us in our region on the horizon. The impacts of this threat are far worse than poverty and unemployme­nt – it snuffs out the very conception of our future potential. That grave threat is abortion.

While public debates ramble onwards regarding this issue, the Love March Movement in Jamaica would like to draw to the public’ s attention to some encouragin­g moves on the internatio­nal scene, which have the potential to positively affirm and protect the youngest among us, who are the most vulnerable. A pivotal document, entitled the Geneva Consensus Declaratio­n was recently co-signed in late October 2020 by 32 leaders, including our neighbours, Haiti and Brazil. This document is a bold stance which challenges the abortion agenda and reaf firms two major things:

1) That abortion is NOT a human right, as it destroys human life.

2) Each nation should be free to exer cise its sovereignt­y on these issues with considerat­ion of the stance of its own populace, without fear of any negative reper - cussions.

In addition to this move, several government­s worldwide, including Hungary and Poland, have also implemente­d abor - tion restrictio­ns due to the negative impact that free abortion access has placed on population growth and health outcomes for women and girls. As girls and persons with disabiliti­es were among

- the most common victims of abortion in these countries, this move further guarantees the preservati­on and worth of life for everyone, with considerat­ion of both the mother and child, regardless of gender or prognosed disabiliti­es.

The Love March Movement along with other Christian NGO’s are therefore publicly calling for government­s across the Latin America and Caribbean region to join in solidarity with our neighbours

Haiti and Brazil to tangibly guarantee to our youth that their worth is af firmed and will be protected by our government. Like these 32 other nations, we challenge the government to recognize that pro-abortion legislativ­e practices are in no way truly progressiv­e, but in reality , are regressive to a society’ s well-being and future. We challenge your present administra­tion and the opposition ministers to pledge to fight for the true, God-given rights of their citizens without fear or favour. Pledge to protect those who are truly vulnerable among us. We need to af firm the dignity of all lives, regardless of their stage of developmen­t.

A copy of the full Geneva Consensus Declaratio­n can be found at the following link: geneva-consensus-declaratio­n-english.pdf

All of us have a part to play – both government and citizens. If you believe in the right to life, we ur ge you to pray and encourage your local government leaders to sign. The life of the next generation may depend on it.

Yours faithfully,

Sarah Buckland

Youth Ambassador,

Love March Movement, Jamaica

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