Stabroek News

cher, 66, spent 10 days U before succumbing should provide es on patients


ymptoms of the disease very rapidly she had been ill a few days before. she left, we never got the chance to her again and it was very challengin­g to mation on her condition because we can’t her personally and so day in and day out d try to call the doctors working with the eam and basically was the same thing telling us; she was stable and her SpO2 saturation) level was exceptiona­l for relative said, before noting that a doctor em once and that was two days before died and by then it sounded like the docgiven up hope. the doctor called, the relative recalled, it then they were told that Pritchard had d pneumonia as a result of COVID-19 only called to let them know that they pleted the treatment for the pneumonia d be taking her off the ventilator to see if d be able to breathe on her own. ative then asked them about using a CT determine if Pritchard was no longer with the pneumonia, but was told that

only one CT scan in the hospital and dn’t take the risk of using the machine. rd’s relatives say that to date they still ow if she was ever taken off the ventila

s something that was very challengin­g s the most depressing part of it but at no doctor was calling us to tell us anything condition. We had to be calling and callometim­es we feel like we don’t want to ese people so that was very challengin­g. ow whether she died when the ventilator but I can only try to put the pieces but I don’t know because the morning doctor called I tried to figure that out but when doctors call you to tell you tive die, you will be in a state of shock elief and can’t question and they just he bomb and that was it,” the relatives

In addition, the relative disclosed that not knowing what is going on with Pritchard’s condition really took a toll on them mentally and this was something that they had a hard time dealing with.

“We don’t know what goes on in the ICU. We just have to take whatever the nurses and doctors say. The doctor said that she had a heart attack and when my sister went down to find out was something else and so I want to know if they were giving my mother the attention she needed as she was in a severe condition. They say that they are going to handle her from here and mentally it was not a nice thing to experience. I think that families of the COVID-19 patients in the ICU should be provided with informatio­n on a daily basis on how the patient is progressin­g because we only heard from them one time and all the rest of time we had to be calling. If we know this, we don’t have to be wondering all the time what is happening,” the relative contended before adding that currently she is still trying to cope.

Relatives of Pritchard received their positive COVID-19 test result on the day of her death and as a result of isolation protocols they were not allowed to see her body after she died.

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