Stabroek News

Trinidad Express wins ‘search warrant’ case against AG, cops


(Trinidad Express) Officers of the Financial Investigat­ions Branch (FIB) of the Police Service committed an illegality and breached the Constituti­onal rights of the Trinidad Express when it executed two search warrants at the media house last March.

The High Court yesterday ordered that the State pay compensato­ry damages to the company as well as its legal cost. The quantum of damages to be paid is to be determined by a High Court Master on a date that is yet to be set.

Delivering the ruling was Justice Frank Seepersad who presided over the claim brought by the newspaper against the Offices of the Attorney General, the Commission­er of Police and Supt Wendell Lucas, head of the FIB.

In his ruling, Justice Seepersad said on the face of the two warrants, there were “evident errors” that were not identified by the Justice of the Peace that granted them.

Justices of the Peace he said were not required to undergo any legal training and for this reason, he believed there should be amendments to the relevant laws to allow magistrate­s of judges to be involved in the granting of such warrants.

The warrants were executed on March 10 as investigat­ors sought informatio­n as to who exactly provided informatio­n to investigat­ive journalist Denyse Renne on an investigat­ion that was taking place against Assistant Commission­er of Police Irwin Hackshaw over questionab­le bank transactio­ns between 2014 and 2017.

Following the publicatio­n of Renne’s article, Lucas lead a team of officers into Express House at Independen­ce Square, Port of Spain, seeking the source of the informatio­n. During that process, they also seized four flash drives from the office of the newspaper’s editor-inchief Omatie Lyder.

Justice Seepersad also found the seizure of the items to be unconstitu­tional.

“In a sovereign democratic state, the effecting of a search warrant upon a media house should be viewed from the perspectiv­e of increased and heightened significan­ce as the implicatio­n and reach of such action, cannot be equated to a situation where a search warrant is executed upon a private citizen given that any unjustifie­d interferen­ce with press freedom can have a retrograde, reverberat­ing and recessive impact upon the society as a whole,” stated the judge.

He said in a democracy, the power to search the private space of a citizen is an exceptiona­l intrusive power, a power which should be exercised only when the necessitat­ing conditions are clear, certain and connected to an ascertaina­ble offence.

“There were evident errors on the face of the warrants which would be hereinafte­r identified and addressed and these errors were seemingly not detected by the Justice of the Peace. Given that there is currently no requiremen­t for Justices of the Peace to be legally trained, they may generally lack the degree of specialisa­tion required to equip and empower them to deal with important constituti­onal issues and the law should be reviewed so as to mandate the involvemen­t of a Magistrate or a Judge,” he stated.

 ??  ?? FLASHBACK: Some of the police officers in the Express editorial department before the search commenced.
FLASHBACK: Some of the police officers in the Express editorial department before the search commenced.

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