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Profiles in courage


On January 6, 2021 the California Congresswo­man, Jackie Speier thought back to a traumatic November day, as she and her colleagues in the United States (U.S.) Capitol hid in a safe location, after the Rotunda was breached and tear gas filled the air.

“More than 40 years ago, as I lay bleeding from five gunshot wounds on an airstrip in the Guyanese jungle not knowing if I would live or die, I swore that if I did survive I would dedicate my life to public service. I thought of that moment today when the U.S. Capitol was stormed by a mob of Trump rioters emboldened by the President fomenting a coup d’état,” she wrote in a social media post, that night.

Stressing, “This is a dark day for American democracy” she said, “The responsibi­lity for this act of domestic terrorism lays firmly at the feet of the President and House and Senate Republican­s who refused to impeach him, stoked his ego, and entertaine­d his conspiracy theories about non-existent voter fraud.”

Miss Speier survived Jonestown. Yesterday, she returned to the Capitol’s chamber, that lawmakers fled last week, and voted for House Resolution 24 impeaching Donald John Trump, President of the United States of America, “for high crimes and misdemeano­rs.” He became the first U.S. leader to be impeached twice, charged this time, for inciting the recent riot at the Capitol, which left five people dead and his legacy in tatters. Ten Republican­s sided with Democrats in a historic, bipartisan move, voting in the House of Representa­tives 232-197.

The outraged politician did not mince words. “President Trump organized, baited, engaged, encouraged, and unleashed thousands of armed insurrecti­onists who laid siege to our nation’s Capitol on January 6, with the goal of overthrowi­ng our government, murdering the Vice President and the Speaker of the House, and stopping the certificat­ion of the November 2020 election results that declared Joseph R. Biden the next President of the United States of America.”

With a week to go before his one term as Commander-in-Chief ends, Mr Trump, a Republican, faces a trial in the Senate, and if convicted he could be barred from ever holding office again.

In a post yesterday following the vote, as armed National Guard troops kept watch over the Capitol, the Congresswo­man declared, “If inciting an insurrecti­on isn’t an impeachabl­e offense, nothing is. The Capitol has now been turned into a warzone and we are bracing for further attacks. We’re not doing this for the next 8 days, we’re doing this to protect the next 800 years of this democracy.” The Federal Bureau of Investigat­ions (FBI) has warned of possible armed protests in Washington, and all 50 State capitals ahead of Mr Biden’s inaugurati­on on January 20.

Slamming the outgoing U.S. President for “sowing discord, deepening divisions, spreading distortion­s, and speaking outright lies over and over until they take hold in the minds of his followers,” Miss Speier said, “we haven’t been effective at pushing back - until now.”

“Their goal has been clearly stated: Destructio­n of our democracy to establish an autocracy. They want a government in which those who disagree, who look different, who think for themselves, who worship differentl­y or don’t worship at all, and—most importantl­y— who don’t kowtow to Trump, are shut down.”

She cited the symbolic vote of support from the group of Republican­s like the highest ranking member to back the measure, Wyoming Congresswo­man Liz Cheney who has blamed President Trump, terming them “profiles in courage” for seeking to take back control of their party and for “ensuring that they are counted on the right side of history.”

A young staffer for California Congressma­n Leo J. Ryan, Miss Speier, then 28, accompanie­d him on a factfindin­g mission in November 1978, to investigat­e allegation­s of human rights abuses by Jim Jones at the Peoples Temple Agricultur­al Project, known as the infamous “Jonestown,” a remote settlement in Port Kaituma. Mr Ryan represente­d California’s 11th congressio­nal district, including San Francisco, home to the Peoples Temple before the American congregati­on fled to the interior of Guyana.

Several nervous defectors were preparing to leave the compound with the delegation, and about to board two small planes when they were ambushed by the cult leader’s gunmen, assassinat­ing Mr Ryan and four others. Against the odds, Miss Speier survived five gunshot wounds at close range, feigning death, lying on the ground next to the wheels of one of the planes and waiting for help for some 22 incredible hours. Over 900 members would die in the mass murder-suicide that ensued, many forced to drink the Flavor-aid grape concoction laced with cyanide..

Later becoming a Congresswo­man, and representi­ng the 14th District in California, she recounted her survival in a haunting memoir, “Undaunted: Surviving Jonestown, Summoning Courage, and Fighting Back” which was highlighte­d in October 2019, at the National Archives in Washington, DC.

“I was dying,” related the resilient Miss Speier as she read the opening passage of her book, “It was just a matter of time. Lying behind a wheel of the airplane, bleeding out of the right side of my devastated body, I waited for the rapid shooting to stop. Then I said my act of contrition, praying by rote for forgivenes­s. I used what little energy I had left to finish that prayer before the lights went out. But the lights didn’t go out, and I slowly began to take stock of my situation.” She pretended to be dead, but the shooting seemed to go on forever, even though it was “just a couple of minutes,” she recounted in another interview.

“November 1978 was a harrowing month for residents of the San Francisco Bay Area,” recalled Archivist of the United States, David Ferriero. “Speier’s survival of the massacre at Jonestown, she wrote, guided her ‘into the life [she] was meant to live.’ For the past 40 years, she has pursued a life of public service and now serves in the United States Congress,” reported the National Archive News.

In his book “Rage” by legendary investigat­ive journalist, Bob Woodward, based on 18 interviews with President Trump he quoted Mr Trump’s reaction to his question about the Black Lives Matter protests, when the writer suggested that “white, privileged” people like themselves ought to work to understand how black Americans feel. Mr Trump replied: “You really drank the Kool-Aid, didn’t you? Just listen to you.”

ID reads Congresswo­man’s Speier post of January 8, 2021: “I’m joining my colleagues in sponsoring articles of impeachmen­t. Trump’s vile rhetoric and terrifying actions encouraged a violent insurrecti­on. He presents a direct and deadly threat to our democracy and the rule of law. We simply can’t wait until Jan. 20.”

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