Stabroek News

CARICOM denounces US designatio­n of Cuba as terrorism sponsor


The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) yesterday denounced the unilateral declaratio­n by the outgoing United States administra­tion in designatin­g Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism.

“Cuba’s internatio­nal conduct does not in any way warrant that designatio­n. This further attack on the country adversely affects its internatio­nal standing and its social, human and economic developmen­t and is another misguided action in addition to the unproducti­ve, unnecessar­y and illegal financial and economic embargo already imposed on this Caribbean nation by the United States”, CARICOM said.

It called for the “immediate review and reversal of these unjustifie­d actions taken in regard to Cuba and looks forward to the United States moving towards normalisin­g relations with Cuba”.

The Trump administra­tion on January 11th announced it was returning Cuba to the U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism, a move that could complicate any efforts by the incoming Biden administra­tion to revive Obama-era detente with Havana, Reuters reported.

Just nine days before Republican President Donald Trump leaves office, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Cuba was being listed for “repeatedly providing support for acts of internatio­nal terrorism” by harbouring U.S. fugitives and Colombian rebel leaders.

Pompeo also cited Communist-ruled Cuba’s security support for Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, which he said had allowed the socialist leader to maintain his grip on power and create “a permissive environmen­t for internatio­nal terrorists to live and thrive within Venezuela.”

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