Stabroek News

Iditarod sled-dog race losing Exxon support amid animal-rights pressure


ANCHORAGE, Alaska, (Reuters) - The world’s most famous sled-dog race, celebrated by Alaskans for half a century but condemned by animal-rights activists as inhumane, is losing one of its biggest corporate sponsors.

Energy giant Exxon Mobil Corp. said yesterday it plans to sever ties with the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race after this year’s 49th edition of the contest, citing economic concerns.

“After careful review of sponsorshi­ps in light of current economic conditions, we’ve decided to conclude our sponsorshi­p of the Iditarod following the 2021 race,” Ashley Alemayehu, an Exxon Mobil spokeswoma­n, said in an emailed statement.

Exxon’s sponsorshi­p focused on the race’s education program, which provides study material to schools nationwide.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), a longtime Iditarod foe, claimed a victory with the decision.

“No reputable company wants to associate with a race that forces dogs to run until they collapse,” PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman said, calling on other sponsors to quit “this spectacle of suffering.”

Animal rights activists have criticized the Iditarod for pushing its dog teams too hard in racing and training, and for subjecting its canine contestant­s to dangerous conditions. Five dogs died during or immediatel­y after 2017’s race.

Iditarod mushers and officials have long defended their dog-care record, citing the army of volunteer veterinari­ans involved and extensive dog health screening conducted before each race.

In response to Exxon’s decision, PETA plans to withdraw its Iditarod-related shareholde­r resolution and cancel an anti-Exxon advertisin­g and protest campaign set to start next week, the group said.

Iditarod representa­tives were not immediatel­y available for comment.

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