Stabroek News

South Cummingsbu­rg restaurant owner robbed by bandits


An armed robbery was on Thursday committed on a restaurant owner in the vicinity of Thomas Street, South Cummingsbu­rg.

Bing Tao Su, 51, was relieved of $45,000 by four unidentifi­ed bandits one of whom was armed with a handgun.

A police report stated that Su along with his wife and daughter were at home during the home invasion.

According to the report, Su operates a restaurant at the address where he also resides and was in the process of closing a shutter to the lower flat when he was confronted by the men.

The men who held their victims at gun point, made their way into the restaurant and took the cash which was secured in a drawer by the counter.

They immediatel­y after escaped north on Thomas Street before heading west onto New Market Street.

The police were contacted and a search of the area was conducted but the suspects were not found.

Meanwhile, a relative of the victim when contacted by Stabroek News stated that the experience was a scary one.

The woman explained that Su was in the process of closing up his business when the men entered the restaurant.

One of the suspects began choking Su who fought back. Meanwhile, Su’s wife who tried to scream to raise an alarm, was muted by one of the suspects who placed his hand over her mouth.

The robbers then escaped with the cash. Given that there was a recent robbery in the area, the woman noted that residents and businesspe­rsons have become fearful and are calling on the Guyana Police Force to have a greater presence in the area.

Stabroek News reported in yesterday’s edition that residents and business owners are asking the police to place an outpost at Thomas and New Market streets as they are concerned for their safety after a spate of attacks.

Investigat­ions into the robbery are ongoing

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