Stabroek News

What about the all-weather road in the East Central Rupununi?

- Dear Editor, Yours sincerely, S. Fredericks

One of the previous government’s flagship projects in Region 9 was to be the constructi­on of an all-weather road connecting villages in the East Central Rupununi corridor to the town of Lethem. This initiative was expected to generate significan­t socio-economic benefits for villages such as Hiawa, Nappi, Parishara, Marakanata, Kaicumbay, Katoka, Yupukari, Quatata, Fly Hill, Kwaimatta, Massara and Toka. The project commenced under the previous government but got only as far as Lethem to Hiawa which represents less than a quarter of the proposed length of the road. The APNU+AFC administra­tion subsequent­ly lost the elections and the project came to a halt even though from all indication­s money was allocated for the completion of the project before the coalition government lost power. (See April 3, 2019 edition of the Stabroek News.)

It therefore remains unclear as to why the project has not been completed. Is it an issue with the contractor­s, insufficie­nt finance or has the current government simply pulled the plug on the project? A quick analysis of the election results in the abovementi­oned twelve villages would reveal that the PPP/C won handily in nine of the twelve villages. It therefore begs the question of why has the PPP/C not been more proactive in seeing the project through to completion? Clearly many of their supporters would have benefited.

I would be grateful if clarity is given by the relevant authoritie­s on the issues raised in this letter because at the end of day the road stands to benefit over four thousand Guyanese. And the PPP/C government was elected to office on the promise of a better life for all Guyanese.

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