Stabroek News

InFab to undertake emergency repairs on harbour bridge


Emergency repairs to rectify defects at spans 9 &10 and other damage to the Demerara Harbour Bridge are scheduled to commence soon, Minister of Public Works Juan Edghill said yesterday.

He noted that tenders from contractor­s to execute the works have been evaluated and Cabinet has given its no-objection to the award of the contract. The decision was made last Thursday.

The contract is being awarded to Industrial Fabricatio­n Inc (InFab).

According to Edghill, the National Procuremen­t and Tender Administra­tion Board will now be tasked with preparing the necessary documentat­ion and to have the contract awarded. The Minister said that he expects to see works commence as soon as possible given the importance and urgency of the defects to be remedied.

Edghill had explained that these spans which are also the retractor spans have deteriorat­ed due to age and other factors.

“A lot of recklessne­ss has occurred over the years, vessels speeding through during retraction­s, trucks overladen, excess speed by trucks, all these have been contributi­ng factors to the deteriorat­ion and misalignme­nt of the bridge,” the minister had previously told this newspaper. In April, the bridge had seen unschedule­d closures to facilitate emergency repairs.

In late March, Edghill along with a team of engineers and officials from the Bridge Corporatio­n inspected the damage to span nine.

A sum of $890 million was approved to purchase 20 pontoons and rehabilita­te span nine of the bridge in this year’s budget.

During 2019 and 2020, barges had crashed into the bridge resulting in extensive damage and massive traffic congestion on both the East and West Bank of Demerara. Since then the bridge corporatio­n was forced to impose weight restrictio­ns and a staggered system to ensure the bridge is at no time overburden­ed.

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