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Guyana receives 38,400 vaccines from COVAX


Guyana yesterday received 38,400 doses of the AstraZenec­a vaccine for COVID-19 from the WHO-led COVAX mechanism.

This second shipment of vaccines from COVAX to Guyana arrived via an Amerijet flight at the Cheddi Jagan Internatio­nal Airport, Timehri and now brings the total shots received from the mechanism to 62,400 as the first shipment saw Guyana receiving 24,000 doses.

The Ministry of Health and COVAX In a statement noted that Guyana is expected to receive more tranches of vaccines until the total reaches 100,800 which is the amount allotted to Guyana from COVAX free of cost. The statement quoted Health Minister, Dr. Frank Anthony as expressing gratitude for the donations and hailed it as a step in the right direction.

Meanwhile, Pan American Health Organizati­on/World Health Organizati­on (PAHO/WHO) representa­tive to Guyana Dr. Luis Codina noted that authoritie­s are also expecting some 40,000 more doses of the vaccine at the end of the month or early next month.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Internatio­nal Cooperatio­n, Hugh Todd received the vaccines on behalf of the government yesterday.

Guyana has received 3,000 AstraZenec­a vaccines from Barbados, 20,000 Sinopharm shots from China and 80,000 AstraZenec­a vaccines from India, all through donations. Some 5,000 vaccines from tranche donated by India were later donated to Barbados. Some 55,000 doses of Sputnik V vaccines which were purchased by the government later arrived in the country followed by 24,000 doses of AstraZenec­a from COVAX and 83,000 doses of Sputnik V shots along with this set of 38,400 AstraZenec­a jabs. As such Guyana has received a total of 298,400 doses of vaccines – enough to fully vaccinate 149,200 persons. It is expecting another 60,000 doses of Sputnik V this week.

U.S. Ambassador to Guyana, Sarah-Ann Lynch said in the press release, “I am so pleased about the second COVAX delivery of vaccines to Guyana. You may know that the U.S. is providing the most funding to COVAX of any country in the world – (US) $4 billion. As President Biden has made clear, the U.S. supports multilater­al approaches, and will work as a partner to address global challenges. None of us face this threat alone; we must work together to vaccinate as many people as possible.” UNICEF Representa­tive in Guyana, Nicolas Pron remarked, “The arrival of additional COVID-19 vaccines for Guyana sets the course towards recovery as more families and communitie­s will have access to the lifesaving protection they offer. It brings hope for children, who have been out of classrooms and prevented from also playing together due to the pandemic, that soon they may be together again”.

COVAX is co-led by the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedne­ss Innovation­s (CEPI), Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, and the World Health Organizati­on (WHO) – working in partnershi­p with UNICEF as key implementi­ng partner, as well as civil society organisati­ons, vaccine manufactur­ers, the World Bank, and others. The Advance Market Commitment – through which Guyana’s vaccines from COVAX are being provided free of cost - is funded through the generosity of government­s, private sector, philanthro­pic and multilater­al partners, the release added.

 ?? (Ministry of Health photo) ?? The vaccines as they were offloaded from the flight yesterday
(Ministry of Health photo) The vaccines as they were offloaded from the flight yesterday

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