Stabroek News

Consumers demand answers now from GWI– and in the future

- Dear Editor,

I applaud Minister Rodrigues’ “Where’s the efficiency?” Consumers must demand the answer from GWI– now and in the future. While the unfortunat­e terminatio­n of 157 could probably save GWI G$200 per year, the efficacy question will continue to prevail. The statements from former and current heads of GWI creates more questions for us. Our questions include the following:

1. Dr. Van West-Charles (former GWI boss) claims that he increased revenues >2 billion; increased collection (reduced debt) by over a billion. But, Dr. Van WestCharle­s omitted to mention that he increased water rates in 2018! Did increased revenues result from the increased rates?

Did Dr. Van West-Charles’ GWI disclose the plan for a massive hiring spree? Was the revenue gains correctly forecasted and disclosed to the PUC? Are consumers aware that Dr. Van West-Charles had requested the PUC to consider a rate increase based on the consumer’s property size? Thank God the PUC remained objective and pragmatic!!

Could Minister Rodrigues dispute/verify Dr. Van West-Charles’ claim of the 2. 3. 4. a. b. following accounts/sums at the change of Gov’t: NBS - 283m, Citizens Bank 198m+170m credit line, Bank of Nova Scotia - 33m, GBTI - 83m? If these sums are there, then what was the basis of the ‘bankruptcy’ claim of Baksh? Consumers demand full disclosure.

Could Dr. Van West-Charles and the Minister comment on the capital expenditur­e of G$2 billion by GWI for Jan-May 2021?

Is there a report of stocks and stores on hand on 31/12/2020? For example, what was the inventory of meters on hand at the end of last year?

How did we justify spending over $200 million on meters? How many meters were ordered, and how many do you install per year?

c. d. e.

Do these meters meet the requiremen­ts of the Bureau of Standards, and is the supplier ISO certified?

Consumers need to have better access to the accounts and strategic plans of GWI. Could GWI release its strategic plan that is used to determine the staffing requiremen­ts?

How many consumers were metered during 2018 and 2019 and for 2021?

Editor, for the sake of public knowledge, I share some of the GWI Capex - Jan-May 2021 as follows (source- NPTA); note this is for the period Jan-May 2021. i. Electromec­hanical equipment – 133 million ii. Meters and service connection – 634 million iii. Chemicals – 206 million iv. Pipes and fittings – 285 million v. Water wells – 584 million

The sad reality is that consumers and taxpayers continue to pay for all the inefficien­cies. Editor, there are more questions – but it is clear that it is time for us consumers to control our own destiny. But, for now, 157 persons are forced to the bread line – at no fault of theirs! Wrongfully hired or wrongfully fired? The people will judge.

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