Stabroek News

No bail for duo charged over $10M raw gold heist


Two men who are accused of robbing a man over $10.7 million in raw gold were yesterday remanded to prison on an armed robbery charge.

Nizam Benny and Enrico Joseph both appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan in a Georgetown court, where the charge was read to them.

It is alleged that on April 19th, 2021, while in the vicinity of Anira Street, Queenstown, and armed with a gun, they robbed Mohamed Khan of 34.5 ounces of raw gold, valued at $10.7 million and the property of Milton Seenaraine.

They were not required to plead to the charge and were remanded to prison. They are to make their next appearance on June 24th for statements.

The court prosecutor stated that Khan and the owner of the gold are known to each other and is authorized to conduct his business.

The report said the owner usually sends the raw gold in a package through the Ogle Airport. However, on the day in question Khan was contacted by the owner and instructed to uplift the package from someone.

At about 10.30 am, Khan collected the package, which was to be delivered at the owners’ house to his daughter.

The report said Khan placed the raw gold under his mat next to his driver’s seat and proceeded to the owner’s house.

However, upon arrival at the owner’s home, he was approached by the two suspects on a motorcycle. The pillion rider subsequent­ly opened his car door and held him at gunpoint before removing the package.

They then rode off.

The matter was reported and the two suspects were arrested on June 11th and 12th, 2021.

A video interview was conducted and both accused admitted to being parties to the robbery.

The prosecutor asked that bail be refused due to the fact that the suspects were known gang members who part take in robberies committed on passengers leaving the Ogle Airstrip.

They are also expected to be charged in connection with pending matters shortly.

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