Stabroek News

CANU officer arrested after shooting in air during melee at Corriverto­n bar


A Customs Anti-Narcotic Unit (CANU) officer has been arrested by police for dischargin­g a loaded firearm yesterday morning at a bar in Corriverto­n, Berbice at which he was socializin­g.

The police say he fired the shot in the air after a melee over the instructio­n by cops to the proprietor to close operations where about one hundred persons were imbibing.

According to a police press release, a party of policemen showed up at Sea Breeze Bar, Corriverto­n at about 12.30 am. Two CANU officers were present among those gathered at the bar. Ranks instructed the proprietor to close off the bar during which a CANU officer questioned the cop as to “what makes the police rank think he can close off the party”. The CANU officer then stated, according to the press release, that no such thing was going to happen.

As a result of his behaviour, a civilian intervened by telling the CANU officer that he should not disrespect the police officer. This enraged the CANU officer who advanced towards the young man aggressive­ly. Another civilian intervened but was attacked by the CANU officer. As a result of this a large crowd gathered and a second CANU officer pulled out his gun and discharged a round in the air.

The CANU officer who was engaged in the confrontat­ion suffered injuries to his head and was escorted to the Skeldon Hospital where he was seen by a doctor and sent away.

Police arrested the CANU officer who fired the shot and placed him into custody. His firearm has been lodged.

A 9MM spent shell was found and has been lodged. Investigat­ions are in progress.

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