Stabroek News

Who is to blame when a person who cannot access their second dose, ends up in the ICU and dies?

- Dear Editor,

In July 2021, a Reuters article quoted the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) as stating that the gap between the first and second dose of the Sputnik vaccine can be increased to 180 days ( pe/russias-rdif-says-gap-betweentwo-sputnik-v-shots-could-bewidened-180-days-2021-0709/?fbclid=IwAR3wEB47­bqEUhW BjlZDmrpfC­jLgAF1hM68­Xjh5KfL E_q71YZ_AOrdNypQLY). Initially, the research had indicated 21 days between doses. But with mounting manufactur­ing delays, the RDIF advised that the gap period can be 90 days. These statements made by the

RDIF need to be supported by transparen­t research by independen­t health authoritie­s. People lives are on the line.

An infographi­c released by Dr. Mahendra Carpen has been making the rounds on social media recently. The data is useful in indicating that the vast majority of ICU hospitalis­ations and deaths are of persons who were unvaccinat­ed. Of important note (according to this data), between July and August there has been a significan­t increase of partially vaccinated persons admitted to the ICU and a related increase in deaths. In August 2021, 16% of the ICU deaths were among the partially vaccinated. It would be valuable to release the data to indicate how many of these partially vaccinated persons were waiting/overdue for their second dose of the Sputnik vaccine. And for persons who received another vaccine and did not show up for their second doses, the release of the informatio­n may motivate them to get fully vaccinated. Whatever the vaccine status of the 16%, it may be indicative that over time first doses offers less and less protection­s, or there is a variant that defeats the effectiven­ess of a single dose, or likely, a combinatio­n of these factors, among others.

Some of us were lucky to be

among the first batch of persons that lined up to get the Sputnik vaccine and had no problems getting the second dose. But we have seen first-hand the frustratio­n of friends and family as they hunt the elusive second dose. The Government of Guyana owes it to the public, particular­ly those persons that were so proactive in protecting themselves, to fully disclose the reasons behind the delays in the Sputnik second doses, and to develop a clear contingent plan in the face of continued delays. Argentina made the decision to offer its citizens another vaccine to follow up on the first Sputnik vaccine. Is Guyana in a position to take such decisive action? We encourage the Government of Guyana to tap into the local and internatio­nal data, and the expertise of global health officials, and create a plan to ensure Guyanese receive the best protection against COVID-19.

The trend is to treat COVID deaths as an individual failure, but who is to be blamed when a person who cannot access their second dose, ends up in the ICU and dies? Finally, we encourage persons still waiting to be vaccinated to visit their health centres and get vaccinated. We have a lot more options than we did a few months ago. Sputnik is not the only vaccine. The science remains strong that vaccines work in reducing your risk of infection, hospitalis­ation and death.


Salima A. Bacchus-Hinds

Karen Abrams

Ashma John

Francis M. Bailey

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