Stabroek News

Family of mother and daughter who died from COVID wants probe of hospital procedures


Relatives of Devika Wong and Bibi Persaud, a mother and daughter who succumbed to the COVID-19 virus, are calling on officials to investigat­e the measures in place at the Infectious Disease Hospital at Liliendaal.

A relative who asked to remain anonymous, told this newspaper she is hoping that officials will also look into the treatment of patients at the hospital.

The woman explained that on August 21, Wong, 66, complained of feeling unwell after developing a fever, headache and a “slight shortness of breath.” She stated that

Wong on the evening of the following day, was taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital where she tested positive for the coronaviru­s.

She was subsequent­ly taken to the Infectious Disease Hospital at Liliendaal, East Coast Demerara where she remained until her demise on September 7.

However, the relative is questionin­g the informatio­n received and disclosed to this newspaper that on September 5, Wong’s oxygen level was at a range of 90. However, on September 6, doctors related that Wong’s oxygen level had decreased to a range of 60.

On the day she died, officials made the decision to intubate her but her heart stopped during the process. The relative added that this informatio­n that was orally given, was not reflected in a report and further noted that Wong’s lungs were severely damaged.

The relative expressed frustratio­n over the issue of visitation and disclosed that family members were enquiring about visitation rights but were denied. It was also disclosed that family members had also requested permission to deliver meals, after they learnt that Wong was allegedly being fed on beans, bread and eggs.

That request was also denied. Wong who was not vaccinated, suffered from diabetes and hypertensi­on and therefore there were certain meals that she was not allowed to eat, so her relatives would have preferred to prepare her meals themselves.

Meanwhile, the relative also shared with this newspaper that Persaud, Wong’s mother, after feeling unwell was taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital on August 23. She was

later transferre­d to the Infectious Disease Hospital where she succumbed on August 31.

Her symptoms of the virus were stated as fever and complaints of feeling weak. She too was also unvaccinat­ed. Persaud like her daughter also suffered from hypertensi­on and diabetes.

The relative said she is fully vaccinated and added that 80 per cent of family members are also vaccinated.

 ??  ?? Devika Wong
Devika Wong
 ??  ?? Bibi Persaud
Bibi Persaud

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