Stabroek News

Taxpayers’ monies must not be used to sustain the alcohol culture

- Dear Editor

The Government of Guyana seems very confused about how deal with the problems caused by alcohol consumptio­n. It was sickening to read that the Government helped to sponsor a recent private sector event to promote the consumptio­n of rum. (Guyana Chronicel 20 Sept, 2021 “Guyana Rum Fest hopes to be top spot for tourists”.

While the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security, the public health system, the police and justice sector have to deal with the effects of alcohol consumptio­n, it seems that other sections of the Government believe that taxpayers’ money should be used to promote consumptio­n disguised as some admirable part of our ugly colonial history of ‘plantation­s and sugar’ and that it is a heritage to be proud about and as a part of our tourism and business product. In 2018, the Government was to work on an alcohol control policy with the support of PAHO https://www.stabroekne­ na/paho-who-health-ministry-to-start-work-on-alcohol-control-policy/. . It seems this policy has been shelved in favour of supporting alcohol consumptio­n.

There is anecdotal evidence which suggests that alcohol consumptio­n has increased during the pandemic despite the restrictio­ns.PAHO in its report “Alcohol Use during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Latin America and the Caribbean” suggests the increased episodic drinking led to increased reports of domestic violence. Both liquor companies have reported nice profits for 2020 when so many others were counting losses (they did not say if this was because of increased use of sanitisers). There is no need for taxpayers’ money to support any event which promotes alcohol consumptio­n.

One day maybe, the Government and the people who elect them, will see Guyana as a place to promote for its well-being, a place where alcohol driven violence and destructio­n have been eradicated, in which the alcohol problem has been addressed. Taxpayers’ monies must not be used to sustain the alcohol culture, especially since taxpayers monies are being used to deal with the destructio­n caused by the alcohol culture.

Sincerely, Vidyaratha Kissoon

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