Stabroek News

I join with those who demand a transparen­t investigat­ion

- Dear Editor,

I join with all those who have gone before me to express sympathy with the widow and offspring of the late Mr. Orin Boston, age 29, described as a businessma­n of Dartmouth, Essequibo Coast. I also join with those like Khemraj Ramjattan, former Coalition Minister, Roy Brummell, creative writer, and others who have demanded a transparen­t and effective investigat­ion of the crime that has put an end to the young man’s life.

The AFC leader’s remarks and those of the family’s lawyer, Mr. Hughes, are instructiv­e and leave little room for doubt. Mr. Ramjattan had held the police portfolio and knows what he is talking about. For my part, I ask readers not to forget that, without investigat­ion, something called “the police” had assured the public that Mr. Boston had been in a confrontat­ion with the offending intruder. It was left to the widow, in her sorrow, to point out that her husband had been shot in his bed. It is interestin­g that up to the seventh day after the kick-down-the-door shooting by the police, the only new informatio­n given to the public is that the fatal incident included an “alleged” confrontat­ion. The political executive responsibl­e for how state power is used has been reported as saying only that the investigat­ion of the incident must be thorough.

Let us make sure, in the interest of justice, that this incident, unlike some wellknown incidents of the past, still unfinished, is not considered without reference to the relevant issue of redress or compensati­on.


Eusi Kwayana

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