Stabroek News

Delegation­s coming from a number of countries to explore investment­s - President


In their bid to explore investment opportunit­ies here, a number of delegation­s from across the world are expected to visit Guyana in the coming weeks to conduct “on ground” inspection­s.

“They are coming to do an evaluation, physical evaluation of what the opportunit­ies are,” Ali announced during his remarks at a virtual press conference held yesterday.

Ali is in New York where he attended the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly.

Over the past few days, he has met and engaged with leaders from around the world, “Who came together and want to have a better understand­ing of where the country is going, where the economy is going and what are the business opportunit­ies,” Ali told the media.

He explained that the evaluation will not only focus on the opportunit­ies in the Oil and Gas sector but also other areas. “We have spoken to many of these investors about the opportunit­ies in food security, agricultur­e, the services industry, manufactur­ing and of course the diversific­ation of our energy sector,” Ali said.

Among the countries that delegation­s are expected from is Kenya. The delegation from Kenya will be headed by the country’s President.

While he did not list the other countries, Ali said about six or seven other delegation­s will be visiting.

“We also had very good meetings with various representa­tive of the Middle East from Prime Ministers to Princes and so on and they too are working on delegation­s to come to Guyana and for us to have also a further engagement with them in the wide cross-section of economic opportunit­y,” the President added.

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo is also expected to lead a delegation to Ghana soon. “That is an important engagement in Ghana to deal with the Oil and Gas sector and also to see how we can have technology transfer and integratio­n between the two countries,” Ali said.

According to Ali, from all the meetings he has participat­ed in, it is clear that Guyana is an area of high focus. “Our country is playing on a different stage. Our country is getting a different level of attention. Our country is being focused on and as leaders we have to ensure that we give clear clarity as to where the country is going,” he said.

To do this, Ali said calls for strong leadership since questions were raised about the country’s democracy in light of the fivemonth-long election fiasco.

“This is a key question from all those we engaged with. They want to know that the country is built on a foundation of democracy, stability, the rule of law. From all the engagement, it is clear that persons were following the five months and of course it raises questions in terms of the sustainabi­lity of a country when you had democracy threatened the way it was threatened,” Ali stated.

“So we had to repair a lot of damage also. We had to answer a lot of questions in relation to that but we are very happy that we had the opportunit­y to do so and we were able to present Guyana as a strong emerging market not only for oil and gas but for the various opportunit­ies that are coming ahead,” he added.

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