Stabroek News

Heartfelt thanks to Inspectors Warde, Reid and DSP Halley

- Dear Editor, Yours faithfully. Imtiaz Baccus

I had to write this letter because like most Guyanese I have a very negative impression of the Guyana Police Force and its members and so I was pleasantly surprised when recently I had to interact with three members of the force who were completely profession­al with the way they dealt with my matter, yet at the same time they were courteous and friendly. And I am referring to Inspector Warde at Interpol, Inspector Reid at CID and DSP Halley at the Passport Office. After interactin­g and talking to these three people, I am convinced that the Guyana Police Force is in good hands and these people should be the face of the force. I only do hope there are more like them who will be able to enhance the image of the force and change the public perception of that institutio­n.

I know when this letter is published I will come in for blows from friends and families for praising the GPF, especially from those who have suffered at the hands of the police and therefore I would like to call on the Commission­er of Police and Minister Benn to put programmes in place to deal with the few rogue elements of the force who are giving the GPF a bad name. I get the impression that the rogue elements are at the lower level of the ladder and so we need to have another look at our recruitmen­t practices and the quality of people we bring into the force. I will also like to recommend that we change the name of the force to the Guyana Police Service in keeping with its motto, “to protect and serve”.

Once again, a heartfelt thanks to Inspector Warde, Inspector Reid and DSP Halley for a job well done. All of you are true profession­als and an asset to the Guyana Police Service. The Police Commission­er should be proud of all of you. Keep up the good work.

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