Stabroek News

Draconian taxes on vehicles

- Dear Editor, Yours faithfully, Nigel Hinds

It’s an unholy, exploitati­ve and abusive assault on the working and pedestrian class of Guyana, who wish to own an economy family vehicle due to the draconian taxes levied on personal vehicles by this governing administra­tion.

One would think that with our Natural Resource Fund overflowin­g with oil funds, a caring government would look for tangible and inclusive ways to improve the quality of life for Guyanese. Not so!

Below is an illustrati­on of the various burdensome taxes imposed by the governing administra­tion on the importatio­n of a family vehicle.

The taxes are gargantuan and unbelievab­le; no wonder there is so much vehicle import concession fraud. The sky-high taxes also cause many Guyanese to supplicate and sell their souls to get a duty-free concession.

Having to pay GY$38,573,600 in taxes for a vehicle with a dealership price of GY$13,000,000 is an extreme abuse of power. Paying GY$2,612,000 in taxes for a vehicle with a dealership price of GY$4,000,000 is also an extreme exploitati­on of power. The governing administra­tion must abolish these suffocatin­g taxes immediatel­y!

I do believe that the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) is embarrasse­d to have to enforce this imposition on low-income Guyanese, while the hierarchy in the Government benefit from 100% concession­s or major concession­s on premium high CC vehicles such as Lexus, Land Cruisers, BMWs, Mercedes Benz, and other premium vehicles. In addition, wealthy farmers, miners and other industry magnates receive a 100% concession or pay a negligible amount of taxes for importatio­n of ‘commercial’ vehicles.

This vehicular fiscal onslaught on Guyanese, occurs while Guyana’s economy is the fastest developing economy in the world, the developmen­t pace is not due to governing administra­tion policies, but instead due to the providence of the bonanza oil find of the century in Guyana’s offshore waters.

Why do we have these punishing and onerous tax rates on the importatio­n of vehicles? There is no rational explanatio­n for these excessive taxes and duties or the unnecessar­y VAT. The ongoing disregard for the working and pedestrian class is unnecessar­y, unwarrante­d and uncaring. Why are Guyanese made to struggle so much to buy a wellfuncti­oning family vehicle with the latest technology that prevents accidents, reduces deaths by vehicle accidents, reduces fuel consumptio­n and significan­tly decreases maintenanc­e costs.

It’s murder by taxes on and off the byways and highways for the Guyanese working class.

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