Stabroek News

Arbitrary, minuscule 8% increase for public service workers won’t work

- Dear Editor, Yours faithfully, Indira Thakurdin for Guyana Public Service Union

The Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU) notes the PPP/Civic Government’s announceme­nt of an arbitrary and minuscule 8% increase in wages and salary for public service workers. This arbitrary announceme­nt is in conflict with the Constituti­on and Laws of Guyana, Internatio­nal Labour Organisati­on core Convention­s and the Declaratio­n of Fundamenta­l Rights and Principles of Workers and the legally binding Collective Labour Agreements between the Guyana Public Service Union and the Government of Guyana. It is also in conflict with all guiding principles of any organizati­on that has working class credential­s.

The GPSU further notes that this deliberate, blatant and discrimina­tory action by the PPP/C Government is totally ignoring the astronomic­al increase in cost of living; current inadequate earnings of workers, who provided and continues to provide quality public services; and the broad base and overwhelmi­ng support received from both nationally and overseas. It is also coupled with the displeasur­e displayed by so many workers, particular­ly those in the health sector and teaching services, who choose migration rather than remain in this hostile, political, racecharge­d environmen­t, ineptly managed by an ungrateful, uncaring and insensitiv­e employer.

The oblivious, unconstitu­tional and lawless conduct of Government is clearly a further testimony to the regard the PPP Civic regime has for the Rule of law, democracy and workers’ rights. This ongoing manifestat­ion of how the Government undervalue­s the employees’ services and contributi­ons to the progress and developmen­t of the Cooperativ­e Republic of Guyana.

The GPSU considers the repetition of this unsympathe­tic, unenlighte­ned and backward approach by the PPP/C Government as an objection to the attributes of modern industrial relations and also as one beset with ulterior motives, including provocatio­n, discrimina­tion and the act of challengin­g workers to be confrontat­ional, which could ultimately lead to the creation of further ethnic divisions in the society. The discrimina­tory use and squanderin­g of public revenues, through selective handouts, including the forty thousand dollars ($40,000) a month payout to persons to appear in the workplaces for ten (10) days each month without any assigned duties, are being undertaken in the face of widespread suffering by the majority of Public Servants. The GPSU strongly condemns these abusive acts by the PPP/C Government. The GPSU calls on the people of Guyana to be united, especially workers, who are asked to embrace each other and stand firm against this banality and vanquish it.

The GPSU advises all workers that there is a labour debt that is owed to the workers by the PPP/C regime, which extends from January 2020 and which must be paid. The known intention of the Government is to keep workers in stricken poverty, given that for decades workers were forced to supplement employment cost because of the grossly inadequate allowances being paid to discharge official duties. Workers should treat any handout that is being made available to them as an interim payment and it must be tax free like all other handouts given to PPP/C supporters.

The GPSU also calls on all workers to start preparatio­n for the necessary struggle for respect, fair and equal treatment and calls on the PPP/C Government to respect the Rule of Law and commence negotiatio­ns for wages, salaries and allowance for the years 2020, 2021 and 2022, forthwith.

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