Stabroek News

The pickpocket­s and traffic nuisance are continuing at the Stabroek area unrestrain­ed

- Dear Editor,

There is a video showing the constant disrespect to the rule of law, pedestrian­s and fellow motorists as some seek to fulfill their selfish financial obligation­s. Without a doubt, the route 45 bus park is situated at a critical point, and even though all the drivers operating there knows that, quite a few blatantly throw all caution aside and would stop the flow of traffic, disregard the horns and people’s cries and full their bus in the middle of the road, stopping the flow of traffic, and in some cases, prevent pedestrian­s from traversing. Yesterday, passing there, I witnessed this atrocious behaviour and even though I and others write repeatedly of this lawlessnes­s, again I would elaborate on this ongoing failure that affect countless daily. Stabroek is a known area for criminal elements that carry out their fearful act daily and there’s many factors contributi­ng, and many, myself including have offered suggestion­s, some temporaril­y used and some not.

Editor, as usual, Christmas season is here and the Guyana Police Force quickly rushed to the podium and announced their glorious plans to combat criminal activities and the traffic congestion. Whilst this sounded wonderful, I’ve started to find this very comical, because whole year same lawless acts keeps occurring daily, but with the season, there’s always the expectatio­n that a huge increase will occur and despite what is said by the GPF, the lawlessnes­s prevails. Because the route 45 bus park is located at a critical point, it’s somewhat considered as a bottle-neck and with any little mistake, results in confusion. There’s a huge traffic build up, commuters prevented from traversing and the pickpocket­s, chain/bag snatchers and choke robbers gets payday. I find it very embarrassi­ng for the GPF to know of this constant nonsense and don’t have the vision to relocate that particular part, or mandate that more than one ranks be stationed there along that street. If the GPF is consistent in executing their duties, this ridiculous nonsense would not have been occurring.

Finally Editor, a while back cameras were installed around the area with the intention that it will be reviewed and monitored daily and society will be eased of the various shenanigan­s that occurs daily. I waited in vain to hear of these cameras helping, but have become frustrated after asking around and hearing the same negative responses. Upon inspection, you have to question the locations/placement of these cameras, and was any feasibilit­y study conducted? The type of cameras installed, are they the standard types for the work required? Were they installed for security purposes? Guyanese money are constantly being wasted and we have to sit back and accept this nonsense and live in the same situation. Will we see any end to the embarrassm­ent?


Sahadeo Bates

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