Stabroek News

Not a single youth representa­tive on the ERC

- Dear Editor,

I am flummoxed that there is not a single youth representa­tive included in the eight member commission­ers, moreover why 8 and not 9 or 13? No youth representa­tive or an odd number is a nonstarter for a number of reasons. First, the youth is who will change the attitude of parents that will create the changes sought by the ERC because they have the least bias when it comes to discrimina­tion and racism. They are more intolerant and impartial to the rigidity of conservati­sm that are mostly ineffectiv­e and consists of outdated thinking. Besides, those policies have always benefited a handful of disingenuo­us benefactor­s.

Young people live by the ethos of Instagram and Facebook where they decide on what is moral, including dating or socializin­g with people who are different in every way. Ask any parent or guardian about their failure to impose so called good conduct on their kids or impress the youths of today. The New ERC is really the Older is not too late to add 5 more commission­ers, besides where are the journalist­s, the students and the artists and the sports representa­tive as well as the farmer or even the multimilli­onaire?

I truly believe those that have been excluded have value add to ERC achieving its objectives. Then again, there’s the counterfac­tual thinking that has the Republic remaining in the status quo. I firmly believe the youth of Guyana, if given a chance, will obviate racism and discrimina­tion from Guyanese society once and for all.


Keith Bernard

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