Stabroek News

Tick TikTok goes globalizat­ion

- By Kenneth Rogoff

MILAN – The spectacle of the US Congress grilling TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew on March 23 could one day be remembered as a turning point in the history of globalizat­ion. Over five hours of aggressive questionin­g, Chew – who is not Chinese but Singaporea­n – did a magnificen­t job defending his company’s Chinese ownership in the face of Congress’s limited understand­ing of the tech world.

The Biden administra­tion views TikTok as a potential national-security threat and wants its Chinese-owned parent company, ByteDance, to sell the platform to a US-owned company or face a possible ban. Chew, however, proposes that ByteDance retain its majority ownership of TikTok but have its US operations run entirely by the Texas-based tech giant Oracle, which would store all US user data on its servers and monitor how TikTok’s algorithms recommend content. Meanwhile, the Chinese government has said that it would oppose a forced sale.

But the odds of Chew’s “Project Texas” convincing Congress or President Joe Biden seem slim. US lawmakers have little confidence in the Chinese government’s intentions – and with good reason. For years, Chinese hackers, presumably state-sponsored, have been relentless­ly attacking the United States government and US-based companies and siphoning off trillions of dollars in intellectu­al property. Although exact numbers are difficult to come by, the pervasiven­ess of Chinese hacking has raised alarm bells among experts worldwide, particular­ly in ASEAN countries.

The bipartisan push to restrict TikTok reflects the growing distrust of China, which is one of the very few things that Democrats and Republican­s in Washington can agree on. While China itself has a “great firewall” that effectivel­y blocks US-owned internet platforms, the proposed US ban could accelerate the shift toward deglobaliz­ation.

But bashing TikTok may prove easier than banning it. With 150 million US users, it is one of the country’s most popular apps. American adults reportedly spend an average of 56 minutes per day on the platform. From the standpoint of domestic politics, there is a world of difference between the proposed TikTok ban and the recent US ban on selling and importing communicat­ions and video equipment from Chinese manufactur­ers like Huawei.

In addition to the scores of TikTokers who make their living on the platform and would become collateral damage if it was prohibited, the app is extraordin­arily popular among voters under 30, with polls showing that nearly two-thirds of young people oppose a ban. Given that this age cohort leans heavily Democratic, their opposition could threaten Biden’s re-election chances. Democratic congresswo­man Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, beloved by Millennial­s and Gen Z’ers, has already come out against the ban (naturally, she took to TikTok to express her concerns).

Chew certainly scored some points with younger people. If banning TikTok is about protecting American voters from spying and manipulati­on, he argued, then Congress should devise a plan that also addresses abuses on US-based platforms (all of whom are salivating at the prospect of their biggest competitor being shown the door). After all, the Cambridge Analytica scandal has shown that misinforma­tion and privacy violations on Facebook ultimately helped former US President Donald Trump win the 2016 election. And psychologi­st Robert Epstein has argued that Google’s search engine has manipulate­d voters in favor of Democratic candidates (albeit the quantitati­ve significan­ce is disputable).

So, Chew has a point. All social media platforms seem ripe for government regulation. The Federal Trade Commission is currently considerin­g a crackdown on Big Tech’s commercial surveillan­ce and lax data security practices, while Twitter, long deeply problemati­c as a source of disinforma­tion and slander, has arguably become worse since Elon Musk took over.

Unfortunat­ely for TikTok, banning Chinese ownership is much easier than regulating Big Tech. Its immense popularity aside, TikTok is just one front in the current tech war between the US and China, which also includes the efforts to convince US allies to bar Huawei from building their 5G networks and the administra­tion’s recent sanctions on the sale of advanced semiconduc­tors to Chinese firms. Moreover, while TikTok’s Project Texas proposal seems sensible, it is hard to believe that Chinese hackers would not have an easier time stealing data from a platform whose parent company is headquarte­red in Beijing.

The increasing­ly bitter rivalry between the US and China leaves little hope for a compromise that addresses both countries’ security concerns. For example, China could rethink its own protection­ist policies and allow US-owned tech companies to operate in the domestic market, but that would jeopardize the authoritie­s’ iron grip on China’s informatio­n ecosystem. Likewise, the US could require TikTok’s American operation to be sold at a significan­t premium as partial compensati­on for what the Chinese government has described as a “smash and grab.” But while this solution at least shows some respect for internatio­nal law, it would be a hard sell given that China has not paid US companies anything for stealing their intellectu­al property over the years.

Those who downplay the devastatin­g effect that a potential US ban could have on TikTok fail to understand the economics of social media. Advertiser­s’ ability to reach US audiences is precisely what makes social media platforms valuable. Make any platform illegal, and its value to advertiser­s will vanish. While some users would undoubtedl­y try to bypass the ban by using virtual private networks (VPNs), this may prove difficult and would not prevent the loss of advertisin­g revenues.

TikTok is putting up a good fight, but it may lose this battle. US lawmakers are reportedly moving forward with plans to ban the platform. While legitimate national-security concerns associated with TikTok must be addressed, an outright ban would do little to protect Americans from spying and manipulati­on. Sadly, it could also confirm the beginning of the end of the global internet.

Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2023.

Kenneth Rogoff, a former chief economist of the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund, is Professor of Economics and Public Policy at Harvard University.

This article was received from Project Syndicate, an internatio­nal not-for-profit associatio­n of newspapers dedicated to hosting a global debate on the key issues shaping our world.

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