Stabroek News

Canada expels Chinese diplomat accused of targeting lawmaker


OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canada on Monday expelled Toronto-based Chinese diplomat Zhao Wei after an intelligen­ce report accused him of trying to target a Canadian lawmaker critical of China’s treatment of its Uyghur Muslim minority.

“Canada has decided to declare persona non grata Mr. Zhao Wei,” Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Joly said in a statement. “The decision has been taken after careful considerat­ion of all factors at play.”

The expulsion escalates already tense Sino-Canadian relations and is likely to prompt China, Canada’s second-largest trading partner, to respond. The Chinese embassy in Ottawa had no immediate comment.

Spy agency Canadian Security Intelligen­ce Service (CSIS) authored a report in 2021 about Chinese influence in Canada that included informatio­n about potential threats to Conservati­ve Member of Parliament Michael Chong and his family.

China says it has never interfered in Canada’s internal affairs and has no interest in doing so. China’s Toronto consulateg­eneral said the report on Chong has “no factual basis and is purely baseless.”

Details of the CSIS report came to light on May 1, when Canada’s Globe and Mail newspaper reported China sought informatio­n about Conservati­ve lawmaker Michael Chong and his family in China in a likely effort to “make an example” of him and deter others from taking antiChines­e government position.

“We will not tolerate any form of foreign interferen­ce,” Joly said on Monday.

The Globe, citing an unnamed nationalse­curity source, said Zhao was involved in gathering informatio­n about Chong, who in 2021 sponsored a successful motion declaring China’s treatment of its Uyghur Muslim minority genocide.

Chong said he was “profoundly disappoint­ed” to find out about the potential threat to his family in Hong Kong from a newspaper, and criticized Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government for inaction. He repeatedly called for Zhao’s expulsion since the Globe report.

Trudeau said he found out about the intelligen­ce report from the newspaper, and on Wednesday blamed the spy agency for not passing it onto him at the time.

The agency has now been directed to immediatel­y pass on informatio­n about threats to members of parliament and their families, Trudeau said on Wednesday.

Canadian media outlets have published several reports, citing anonymous intelligen­ce sources, alleging schemes run by the Chinese government to interfere in Canada’s last two elections. Beijing has denied those allegation­s.

Trudeau has previously said China attempted to meddle in the 2019 and 2021 votes, but that the efforts did not change the outcome. He has appointed an independen­t special investigat­or to probe the allegation­s.

Diplomatic tensions between Canada and China have been running high since the detention of Huawei Technologi­es executive Meng Wanzhou in 2018 and Beijing’s subsequent arrest of two Canadians on spying charges. All three were freed in 2021.

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