Stabroek News

What are the terms and conditions for use of the Bel Air Park playground?

- Dear Editor,

I have been told that the issue of the Bel Air Park playground has been well ventilated in the press however, today I would like to raise it once again since something does not seem right here. My understand­ing is that the former residents’ committee were no longer interested in the upkeep and maintenanc­e of the park and that it was handed over to a private person who now takes care of it. What is unclear to me is if this is a business arrangemen­t made by the City Council and with the consent and agreement of all the residents of Bel Air Park. If so, then what are the terms and conditions?

From all that I have observed the park is kept in good condition complete with solar lighting, benches swings and other park fixtures. However, it appears to me and others I have spoken with, that the new arrangemen­t is very autocratic and operates like a private concern, opening and closing as they see fit. I was told by one of the park’s attendants that to use it one must go to the home of the person in charge for permission. The park has always been a green space for residents over the years and my children used it when they were growing up along with their friends.

These days the park is closed in the daytime and there is no signage posted to advise residents what the opening and closing times are. There are at least three wild dogs roaming and scaring off visitors from the inside. I recently took my two granddaugh­ters there but was confronted by a padlocked gate and the attacking dogs. Editor, I would like to know if the park is out of bounds to the area residents and how was that arrangemen­t arrived at. Further it is alleged by some that a few diplomats and VIPs are allowed to use the park whether they live in Bel Air Park or not. I have also seen a fitness instructor from a private gym conducting morning classes there.

While I have no problem with a private arrangemen­t it should be made clear to all residents what the conditions are to use our historical­ly designated green area. If

the intention is to discourage persons from outside of Bel Air Park, as the sign on the gate suggest, then they must put systems in place for genuine residents to enter hassle free and should not be that they go calling at the gate of the new custodians to be allowed entry. A few short years ago the City Council, which have jurisdicti­on over Bel Air Park, were prevented from building homes for Council employees just west of the park on Eping Avenue, an area designated as a green reserve. It is beyond me that our Park has fallen to an almost similar set of circumstan­ces.

With Local Government Elections on the horizon, this should be an issue for the BAP residents to seek redress.


(Name and Address Withheld)

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