Stabroek News

Floods grip Kazakhstan and Russia as tributarie­s of Ob rise

- (Reuters)

Swathes of northern Kazakhstan and Russia's Urals region were flooded yesterday as melt waters swelled the tributarie­s of the world's seventh longest river system, forcing more than 125,000 people to flee their homes.

Russia's southern Ural region and northern Kazakhstan have been grappling with the worst flooding in living memory after very large snow falls melted swiftly amid heavy rain over land already waterlogge­d before winter.

That has swelled the tributarie­s of the Ob, which rises in the Altai Mountains of southern Siberia and empties into the Arctic Ocean, beyond bursting point, leaving some cities in Russia and Kazakhstan under water.

A Reuters journalist said several districts of the northern Kazakh city of Petropavlo­vsk were completely flooded. The city which sits on the Ishim River, a tributary of the Irtysh, the chief tributary of the Ob.

Almost 1,000 houses have been flooded in the North Kazakhstan region of which Petropavlo­vsk is the centre, and over 5,000 people have been evacuated, local officials said. There have been interrupti­ons in power and water supply in the city.

People were queuing up in front of water trucks moving from one neighbourh­ood to another in the city. The main reservoir supplying the city with drinkable water has been flooded.

Just a few hundred kilometres over the border, Russia's Kurgan, a region of 800,000 people at the confluence of the Ural mountains and Siberia, was grappling with flooding and rising water levels in the Tobol River, another tributary of the Irtysh.

Water levels rose to 6.31 metres (over 20 ft) in the main city, Kurgan. Governor Vadim Shumkov said the main mass of water was 10 km away from the city.

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