Stabroek News

Bullying of Venezuelan student is not consistent with the values Guyanese are recognized for

- Dear Editor,

The way we treat strangers in our society is a reflection on our culture. The recent harassment and bullying of a school girl with Venezuelan roots speaks poorly of what is expected in our society. Our treatment of strangers should be on par with how we would like others to treat us if we were strangers. Guyanese have migrated to all corners of the world, including Venezuela. We were welcomed and given opportunit­ies including the opportunit­y for our children to go to school in a safe environmen­t. Many of our leaders were scholars to other countries and returned home safely from their studies. It is the responsibi­lity of everyone in our society to ensure that we do not forget how to treat each other and the strangers amongst us. We must do so with the dignity and respect that we would like to receive if we were in their situation.

We the Guyanese people are known for our hospitalit­y. Our schools must continue to teach our children our hospitable culture and ensure that the discipline and behaviour in our schools amongst our students are reflective of the high standards we strive to instill and uphold in our society. Students must also remember that when they put on their school uniforms everything they do reflect on the school and impacts their school’s reputation. Do you want your school to be known as the one where “warish“and bad behaved girls go, or would you prefer it to be known as one where decent young ladies attend? Your behaviour in school and on the road will determine your school’s reputation. We must not be cruel to the strangers amongst us. If there is a problem bring it to the teacher’s attention.


Jamil Changlee


The Cooperativ­e Republican­s of Guyana

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