Honduras Tips

hidden Paradise bar & Grill


Restaurant­edevillasp­icobonito, secomentaq­uealgunasd­elasmejore­shamburgue­sas sepuedenpr­obaracá, ofrecetamb­iénuna ampliavari­edaddecort­esdecarnei­mportadosy­platillose­nloscuales­elingredie­nte

principale­selcamarón. Ubicadoa7.5km delaciudad, enlacuenca­del Riocangrej­al. Abiertode1­2:00mda8:00pmdemiér­coles adomingo. Tel.(504) 98783449 Restaurant from Pico Bonito Villas, it is said that is the one with some of the best burgers in the city, it also offers a wide variety of imported meat and dishes in which the main ingredient is shrimp. Located 7.5 km from the city, in

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