Honduras Tips

Gio’s the king crab house


Este lugar recibió el título de unodelos 30mejores restaurant­es en Roatán. Gio´s es unrestaura­nte familiar que le ha dado fama al delicioso platillo “King Crab”. Gio, el dueño del restaurant­e ha continuado con la tradición familiar de restaurant­es, su padre es el propietari­o de Romeo´s Restaurant. Abierto de lunes asábado de 10:30AMA3:00PMYDE5:00PMA10:00 PM. Teléfono: (504) 9827-8530. Para más informació­n: www.giosroatan.com.

This place received the title of one of the 30best restaurant­s in Roatán. Gio´s is a family restaurant that has turned famous the delicious “King Crab” dish. Gio, the restaurant owner, has continued the family tradition of owning restaurant­s. He ´s father, is the owner of Romeo´s Restaurant. Openmonday­through Saturday from 10:30Amto3:00pmand from 5:00PMTO10:00PM. Phone: (504) 9827-8530. For more informatio­n visit: www.giosroatan.com.

 ??  ?? mariscos frescos/ fresh seafood.
mariscos frescos/ fresh seafood.

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