


QUESTION: WHICH LAND is known as ‘ The Lucky Country’?

Answer: Australia. A lot of people, and almost all Australian­s, know that. Rather fewer know that it was a title of a 1964 book and that the author, Donald Horne, didn’t exactly mean it as a compliment. In inheriting a land of amazing natural resources and being necessaril­y distant from the world’s problems, Aussies inherited a winning hand. Horne just wasn’t sure the politician­s deserved it. (Being rude about their politician­s is also very much an Aussie birthright.)

Australia’s luck is holding – witness its record 26 unbroken years of economic growth. And while the native adults can find plenty to complain about (property prices! Politician­s!) no Aussie would have chosen anywhere else to be born. That’s because when you ask which is the best country to grow up in, Australian kids really are the luckiest in the world.

You can see why in our cover feature on family-friendly Australia. And though much of the continent is hot, dry and uninhabita­ble, it’s amazing how much fun stuff they pack into the rest – like Tasmania’s Three Capes Track (above).

Whether it’s because of the endless empty beaches, the abundant (and not all venomous) wildlife, the weather, the sport or simply the fact that you’re too young to buy a house or listen to politician­s – there’s no question the Aussie kid has it made. And the good news is, young and old, we can all visit, with or without our families, and have our fair share.

Mark Jones Editorial director 問題:哪個地方有「幸運之國」的稱號?

答案:澳洲。這個稱號,來自澳洲作家Dona­ld Horne於1964­年出版的一本書的書名,在澳洲幾乎無人不知;不過很少人知道,這個稱號其實並非讚譽。澳洲不但擁有豐富的天­然資源,而且偏處地球一隅,與世界各地的紛擾與問­題保持一定的距離,澳洲人可說是得天獨厚。而Horne則認為政­客能在這塊福地從政,實屬幸運。(對政客無禮,是澳洲人的天賦權利。)



無論是一望無際的空曠­沙灘、種類繁多的野生動植物(並非全部都是有毒的)、良好的天氣、精采刺激的運動項目,還是只因你年紀還小,未能置業或聆聽政客的­長篇大論,毫無疑問澳洲小孩的童­年都是精采的。然而即使你並非在澳洲­長大,不管你是年輕人還是長­者,是否與家人同行,同樣都能在這個地方找­到無窮的樂趣。 Mark Jones編輯總監

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