

Ireland’s dramatic landscapes stand in for a galaxy far, far away in the latest Star Wars movies. By RONAN J O’SHEA

- 愛爾蘭壯麗的風光在最­新的兩部《星球大戰》電影裡變身成為遙遠銀­河系裡的異星世界。撰文: Ronan J O’Shea

Watch the latest Star Wars films onboard – then visit the Irish locations where they were filmed. By RONAN J O’SHEA

AS A CHILD, I visited my nan for six weeks each summer. My days were spent visiting cousins, going to the beach and eating Grandma Mac’s inimitable pancakes. Back then, I could never have imagined Ireland would ever have anything to do with my other love – Star Wars. How wrong I was.

In recent years, the Emerald Isle’s rugged Wild Atlantic Way – a 2,500 kilometre route stretching from north to south along the western coast – has welcomed film crews as they recreated that galaxy far, far away in the franchise’s latest blockbuste­r films, The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi.

小候時 ,每年暑假我都會去祖母­家住六個星期;打日日子的活動包括到­表親家裡玩、往海灘去和大啖祖母親­手製作、滋味天下無雙的煎薄餅。當時我從沒想,有過 我至愛的《星球大戰》與愛爾蘭有什麼。關係 原來我是錯錯真大特 。

野性大西洋之路位於有­綠寶石島之稱的愛爾蘭­西岸,從南到北蜿蜒2,500公里,地貌嶙峋奇峭,景色壯麗。,近年 電影攝製隊絡繹前來,將這個地方搬上銀幕,變成賣座的《星球大戰》系列中《原力覺醒》與《最後絕地武士》中那個遙遠的銀河系。


The franchise’s most famous vessel, the

Millennium Falcon, paid a special visit to Malin Head (whose Slieve League Cliffs are among the highest in Europe), on the Inishowen peninsula. A replica of the

Falcon was built, piece by piece, on the cliffs of Malin Head, while Daisy Ridley (Rey) and Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker) also flew in for scenes. After filming wrapped, Hamill popped by Farren’s Bar, which sports a Yoda mural on the exterior.

電影系列裡著名的太空­船千歲鷹號曾經光臨位­於因尼斯赫文半島的馬­林角(其中的Slieve League Cliffs山是洲歐 數一數二的高山)工。 作人員在馬林角的山崖­上,將艘這 太空船一點一點的搭建­出來;然後演飾 Rey的Daisy Ridley與演飾 Luke Skywalker的­Mark Hamill前來拍戲。拍攝完畢後, Hamill於當地的­Farren’s Bar酒吧現身,小酌一杯。這家酒吧的外牆有一幅­Yoda的壁畫。­825


Loop Head, in County Clare, is a fingershap­ed slither of uninhabite­d land in the middle of the Wild Atlantic Way that makes an appearance in The Last Jedi trailer. Its lighthouse – which was closed to the public during filming – has excellent views, while the peninsula is popular with birdwatche­rs and dolphin-watching excursions. Travel further north and you’ll reach the Cliffs of Moher (Ireland’s most visited natural attraction) and The Burren – a beautiful glacial-era landscape of karst rock popular with ecotourist­s.

盧普於角位 克萊爾郡,是從野性大西洋之路中­間伸出來、一片有如手指般狹長的­土地。在《最後絕地武士》的預告片中,見可以 到這個地方。這裡有座燈塔,風景絕佳,不過拍攝時不對外開盧­是放。角普 觀鳥者喜愛的地方,也有很多人前來看。海豚 稍行往北 ,就會來到Cliffs of Moher懸崖(這是愛爾蘭最多人前來­遊覽自的 然景點)與The Burren自然風景­區後; 者由水蝕石灰岩形成獨­特的風景,非常受環保旅遊人士的­喜愛,它保留了冰河時代的美­麗地貌。


The wide shots of Ahch-To, the remote rocky island Chewbacca and Rey travel to in the Millennium Falcon in the final scenes of The Force Awakens, were of Skellig Michael. Filming was limited to two days due to its Unesco World Heritage-listed status – which is why the ‘beehive’ huts (which housed monks in the sixth century) that made up Luke’s camp were recreated elsewhere (more on that later). The island off the coast of County Kerry can be visited in good weather, but book ahead as tours are popular and boat numbers limited.

在《原力覺醒》的結尾, Chewbacca與­Rey駕著千歲鷹號在­Ahch-To星漫球 遊的大遠景,那就是Skellig Michael島的景­色。這個島嶼位於凱里郡海­岸對開,早於六世紀就有修士在­島上清,修 片中所見Luke的營­地就是修士們當年的修­行之所。這個島嶼名列聯合國教­科文組織世界遺產,因此攝製組只能在島上­拍兩天戲。為了連戲,他們要另覓地點搭建L­uke的地營,詳情參閱下文。天氣好的時候,可到這個位於凱里郡對­開的島嶼,遊覽 不過導賞團極受歡迎,渡船航班亦有限,出日前最好先訂。票skelligis­


The Rebel County may be Kerry’s rival, but only a fool would miss Cork’s charms. The main city is teeming with museums, restaurant­s and hole-in-the-wall pubs, while the wider county has many historic towns and beautiful countrysid­e. Star Wars crews, meanwhile, used the craggy caves and mine shafts of Brow Head (Ireland’s most southerly point) while filming The Last Jedi, as Rey undergoes training and discovers Luke’s dark secrets.

科克與郡 凱里郡的吸引之處可說­不相伯仲,但只有有眼無珠的人才­會錯過科克郡的美好之­處。郡內的主要方市有多家­博物館餐、 廳與小酒吧而, 郡內其他地方則有不少­歷史古方和風景美麗的­郊。區星《 球大戰》的攝製隊則在Brow Head岬角愛( 爾蘭最南端)嶙峋的山洞與礦穴拍攝《最後絕地武士》,這一場戲講的是Rey­受訓以及日現Luke­不可告人的秘密。


Another stand in for Ahch-To was the headland of Ceann Sibéal, on the Gaeltacht

(Irish-speaking) Dingle peninsula. Here, The

Last Jedi crew recreated the beehive huts for scenes between Chewie, Rey and Luke – and the adorable porgs – at Luke’s camp. Adam Driver, who played Kylo Ren, flew to Ireland to act off-screen for the scenes featuring telepathic exchanges with Rey.

Ahch-To星球的另一個替身­是西比爾角,位於說愛爾蘭語的丁格­爾半島。《最後絕地武士》的攝製隊在這裡重那建 些蜂巢形的小石屋,用來拍攝Chewie、Rey與Luke以及­星球的原生物種por­g在Luke的營地的­場面飾。 演Kylo Ren的Adam Driver與Rey­有隔空傳心的情節,他特地飛來愛,爾蘭 在鏡外頭與Rey做對­手戲。

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