

If you haven’t been invited to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding this month, ELEANOR O’KANE reveals where to get your British blue blood fix


As Prince Harry marries Meghan Markle, ELEANOR O’KANE charts England’s royal lands

即使你並未獲邀出席哈­里王子與梅根馬可於本­月舉行的大婚典禮,不要緊,讓Eleanor O’Kane告訴你何處可­以沾染一點英國王室的­尊貴息氣

ENGLAND’S ROYAL LANDS stretch from West London to Gloucester­shire, along a motorway that runs past London’s main airport, Heathrow.

In West London, the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea has always been a favourite of Britain’s most famous family, thanks to its posh shopping (Harrods), chic restaurant­s and clubs (including an outpost of Mahiki, once famous for serving a treasure chest cocktail that Prince Harry was partial to) and elegant streets.

Further from the tight terraced houses of West London is the Royal County of Berkshire on the fringes on the city, home to Windsor Castle and Ascot Racecourse, which hosts Royal Ascot over five days in June. The royal lands get more rural still when you continue west to Gloucester­shire, with its regal links to horses, hunting and polo.

This posh Belgravia hotel around the corner from Buckingham Palace has been a favourite with the royals for decades. The Duchess of Cambridge spent her last night as a commoner in the sumptuous art deco Royal Suite before marrying William. Many of the die-hard revellers piled back to the hotel for an after-party when celebratio­ns at Buckingham Palace came to a close. For a more regal experience, visit for afternoon tea or try the famous Eggs Drumkilbo, a concoction of lobster and eggs once favoured by the Queen Mother.


Go for the pizzas and karaoke, stay for the celebrity spotting at this kitsch restaurant/nightclub/beach bar. Harry and Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie are big fans; as is the Duchess of Cambridge’s sister, Pippa Middleton, who used to date owner Charlie Gilkes. Once you master the Bunga Bunga dance (check the menu for a simple

diagram) sashay your way across all three storeys of this Italian-themed funhouse, where you’re as likely to be entertaine­d by an Elvis impersonat­or as a drag queen.


This 17th century Jacobean retreat on the fringes of Hyde Park has lodged many a newly married royal couple in luxury over the centuries – it was also William and Harry’s childhood home. Nottingham Cottage, the former home of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, is where newlyweds Harry and Meghan will officially begin married life. Take a tour of the King’s State Apartments to experience the courtly lifestyle in all its eye-popping glory. If you’re a dedicated follower of fashion, don’t miss Diana: Her Fashion Story, a dazzling exhibition of the late princess’s most iconic garments.

The Queen’s weekend retreat and the oldest castle in the world, Windsor has housed 39 monarchs since it was built by William the Conqueror in the 11th century. One of the biggest draws for visitors is the Dolls’ House, a miniature marvel designed in the 1920s for Queen Mary and filled with exquisite pieces crafted on a scale of 1:12. On 19 May, all eyes will be on St George’s Chapel for Harry and Meghan’s big day. The gothic masterpiec­e is also the final resting place for 10 kings of England, including Henry VIII. royalcolle­­tle


For more than 30 years, Prince Charles has been transformi­ng the gardens of this Georgian estate in Gloucester­shire, taking inspiratio­n from Victorian techniques and English horticultu­ral heritage. Drink in the tranquilli­ty on a garden tour with an expert guide and stock up on bottles of Highgrove gin and jars of honey produced by the prince’s very own bees. highgroveg­


The royal family and horses go together like an English summer day and a jug of Pimm’s. Anne, the Princess Royal, and her daughter Zara Phillips are skilled riders and at their shared country estate you can watch one of the summer’s most prestigiou­s equestrian events. At the Festival of British Eventing, top riders and horses compete in dressage, show jumping and cross-country, so grab your tweed and a pair of green wellies to join the well-heeled crowds. festivalof­britisheve­


肯辛頓與切爾西皇家自­治市位於西倫敦,既有Harrods這­種豪華百貨店,也有多家時尚餐廳和會­所( Mahiki新店剛在­開這裡幕間,這 夜店兼酒吧因哈里王子­鍾情店裡以百寶箱盛載­的雞尾酒而聲大名 噪) ,以及格調優雅的大街向, 來受深英國王室成員喜­愛,不時會見到他們的蹤影。

經過西敦倫 櫛比鱗次的排,屋 就來到位於倫敦邊緣的­王家伯克郡。這裡是溫莎城堡及雅士­谷賽馬場的所在地,每馬場 年6月都會舉行一連五­日的王家雅士谷賽馬日。繼續向西行至告羅士打­郡,鄉郊氣息亦愈趨濃厚,這裡是室馬王 騎 、打獵和打馬球的勝地。

倫市敦 The Goring酒店

這間位於貝爾格萊維亞­的區 高雅酒店白與 金漢宮相距咫尺,數十年來一直受到王室­成員的青睞。劍橋公爵夫人下嫁廉威 王子前,就在洋溢裝飾藝術風格­的豪華王家套房內,度過平民身份的最後一­夜。當晚,白金漢宮的慶祝活動結­後束 ,意猶盡未的賓客前來店­酒 ,繼續大開餘興派對。想享受王者派氣 的體驗不, 妨在這裡享日下午茶,或一嚐著名的Eggs Drumkilbo,這款以龍蝦和蛋製作的­菜式,是已故王太后的至愛。

倫市敦 Bunga Bunga餐廳


麗斯郡主、尤金郡妮 主,以至曾經跟餐廳老闆C­harlie Gilkes約會的劍­橋公爵夫人妹妹Pip­pa Middleton,都是這裡的忠實擁躉。只要熟習了Bunga Bunga舞(請參考菜牌上的簡易圖­解)便, 可在這座樓高三層、充滿玩味的意大利主題­餐廳內大搖大擺,通行無阻,說不定還可欣賞到模仿­貓王及變裝的皇后 表演。

倫市敦 肯辛頓宮

這座建於17世紀詹姆­士時代的行宮,坐落於海德公園,旁邊 幾百年來成為多對王室­伉儷新婚後定居的宅邸,亦是威廉王子及哈里王­子童年時的家園。而橋劍 公爵爵及公夫人曾經居­住的諾丁漢別墅,將成為哈里王子和梅根­正式開展婚姻生活的地­方不。 妨前往宮內的King’s State Apartments­參觀,體驗富麗堂皇的宮廷生­活。如果你是時裝達人,那就不可錯過展出多件­經典戴妃飾服的《Diana: Her Fashion Story》覽展 。


溫莎城堡是女王伊利沙­伯二世度周末的宮行 ,亦是世上最古老城的 堡,自征服者威廉於世11 紀興建以來,已經歷過39代王朝。這裡吸引最多前參人 來 觀的,是一座於1920年代­為瑪麗王后設計的玩偶­屋,屋裡佈滿以1:12的比例製作的珍品,巧奪天工,令人歎為觀止。月5 19日球,全 目光將投放於哈里王子­舉行婚禮的聖喬治教,堂 這座教堂是英國的哥德­式建築傑作,也十是 位英國君主 , 括亨利八世的長眠之所,極具歷史義意。royalcolle­­tle


花園位於告羅士打郡一­幢喬治亞風格的莊園,內 查理斯王子花了30多­年時運間,日自維多利亞時代流傳­下來的技術及英式園傳,藝 統 將這個花園修葺得美美。輪 奐 遊客參專導可 加 家 賞的花導團園 賞 ,於謐的環境中細賞美。園,景 遊 後 可到附商設的 店內購選 Highgrove花­園出產的氈,酒 以及由查理斯王子飼養­的蜜蜂所釀造的蜂蜜。highgroveg­


王室跟馬匹的關係,英就像 國的夏季總少不了一壺­Pimm’s雞尾酒一樣。安長妮公主和女兒莎拉­菲臘斯都是馬術手高 ,你可以在她們的鄉村別­墅欣賞享負盛名的夏日­馬術盛會:英國馬術三項。賽 參與賽事的全是頂尖騎­師及馬在匹, 盛裝舞步、賽場地礙障 賽及越野賽中一較高下。穿記得 上花呢外套及綠色長筒­防水少,與一眾名流士紳一起觀­賽。festivalof­britisheve­

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