

本月我們特別推出「史匹堡精選」系列呈, 獻多部Steven Spielberg電­影精選,括奧斯卡提名作品雲《戰 密報,》 向這位大演導 致敬 We pay homage to Steven Spielberg with a special movie section this month, which includes Oscar-nominated film The Post


Apioneer of the modern Hollywood blockbuste­r, Steven Spielberg turned filmgoing into an event with Jaws, the Indiana Jones series and Jurassic Park. When compared with contempora­ries such as Francis Ford Coppola and Martin Scorsese, Spielberg is sometimes criticised as a cinematic showman who puts spectacle over artistic expression. But his strengths are too often overlooked: he’s a dramatic storytelle­r with cinematic technique to rival any director today.

As Spielberg’s Oscar-nominated film, The Post, arrives onboard this month, we’re celebratin­g the director with a new movie section called Spielberg Hits. The collection consists of 14 of his greatest films.

Many connect Spielberg’s films with special effects and big spectacles, but he is also a master of creating suspense. Look at Jurassic Park, in which the image of a vibrating glass of water is enough to show the approach of the T. rex. When the prop shark didn’t look convincing enough on the set of Jaws, Spielberg kept it out of sight for most of the film and relied on John Williams’ iconic score as a leitmotif to signal the shark’s arrival.

Spielberg is also famous for his brilliant use of long takes, whether it’s the complex overhead shot of the spider robot scene in

Minority Report or the subtle long take from behind a shelf in the farmer’s house in War Horse. These also tend to be wide shots that avoid cutting in and out of close-ups, instead showing what’s going on broadly in a scene and between people.

Spielberg is also one of the most efficient directors in Hollywood, sometimes shooting two films in the same year. Catch Me If You Can was filmed at 147 locations in just 52 days.

The Post was made during the lengthy post-production process of Ready Player One (onboard later this summer), going from production to the cinemas in just seven months. Based on a true story, The Post chronicles the efforts by reporters of

The Washington Post to publish classified government reports that exposed the truth behind the Vietnam War. Showing Spielberg at his best as a storytelle­r, The Post is a riveting newsroom story in the spirit of All the President’s Men and a tribute to journalist­s who continue to speak truth to power today.

Starting this month, we’re also enhancing the inflight entertainm­ent experience by offering a number of new films in high definition on selected aircraft. Look for the new HD logo in the movie listings and on the interactiv­e menu.

Steven Spielberg(港譯:史提芬史匹堡)可說是現代荷李活賣座­巨片的先驅,觀眾前去觀看他執導的《大白鯊》、《奪寶兵奇 》系列與《侏羅紀公園,》時 不光是去看,電影 而是參與一件盛事。有些影評人認為, Spielberg 若與同輩的導 演如 Francis Ford Coppola 及Martin Scorsese 等相,更比 他 像一個電影技匠,往往強壯調 觀的場面多於藝術手法。不過,優他的 點卻常經 受人忽略:他講故事的方式引人入­勝,加上電影技法嫻熟,與今時今日任何位演一 導 相比都毫遜。不 色

本月機映上放 Spielberg 獲奧斯卡最佳電影提名­作品《日雲密報》,我們藉此機會增設全新­的「史匹堡精選」電影類別,精選他所執導的14部­精采作品,向這位演大導致。敬

很多人提起 Spielberg 的電影時,想到的往往是技特 和大場面,但他其實是製個造懸疑­氣氛的高手。在《侏羅紀園公 》裡,桌上不停動顫 的水杯,顯就已 示出暴龍步步進逼的威­至脅。 於《大白鯊》,由於片場內的道具鯊魚­看上去不夠逼真, Spielberg索­性在片中大部分時候都­不讓它露臉,只以 John Williams 那段著名的配樂作象徵,用來代表鯊魚出現。

Spielberg 運用長鏡頭的手法非常­出色,這一點亦是眾所周知的;無是論 《未來報告》裡從屋頂上拍攝蜘蛛形­機械人到處

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 ?? Alvin Lai is Cathay Pacific’s assistant manager, customer experience – entertainm­ent content ??
Alvin Lai is Cathay Pacific’s assistant manager, customer experience – entertainm­ent content

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