

How one filmmaker found hidden talent and secret sorrows in Hong Kong’s walkways and parks. 一位電影導演在香港的­街頭和公園發掘隱世高­手及其背後辛酸。

- By PAUL KAY 撰︰文 Paul Kay

PAUL KAY talks to the director of The Helper about telling the stories of the city’s domestic workers

IT’S A SIGHT that will be familiar to anyone who has ever crossed Central or Causeway Bay’s Victoria Park on a Sunday afternoon: thousands of Southeast Asian women gathered in groups to sit, eat, talk and dance.

For first-time visitors it can be a perplexing spectacle – and so it was for Joanna Bowers, a British filmmaker who worked in LA for several years before relocating to Hong Kong.

‘I knew that these women weren’t homeless, even though they were sitting on cardboard boxes, and it wasn’t a protest. But I just couldn’t figure out why there were so many people that couldn’t integrate and spend their Sunday like the rest of Hong Kong,’ she recalls.

These women had left their homes and families to work as domestic helpers, in many cases to carve out a better life for their children back in Indonesia or the Philippine­s. And so, the idea for

The Helper – a documentar­y chroniclin­g the stories and sacrifices of domestic workers in Hong Kong – was born.

After raising US$86,000 (HK$675,000) to finance the film on crowdfundi­ng platform Kickstarte­r, Bowers started to research the issues faced by Hong Kong’s 340,000-strong domestic helper community, and a handful of stories began to stand out.

A video of a performanc­e by domestic helpers choir Unsung Heroes convinced Bowers that they had to be part of the film; while Liza Avelino, a domestic helper who had saved up two years’ salary to fund a three-week trek in the Himalayas, and Nurul, a new mother wrongly accused of theft and facing deportatio­n with her young daughter, rounded out her cast.

The film finale? The Unsung Heroes’ performanc­e to an audience of several thousand at Clockenfla­p, Hong Kong’s biggest music festival, in 2015. The choir were also invited to perform at this year’s Cathay Pacific/HSBC Hong Kong Sevens.

Two years on from its conception,

The Helper premiered at The Asia Society Hong Kong in May 2017. From an initial run of five showings, interest in the film snowballed, resulting in more than 30 sold-out screenings in Hong Kong.

As word spread, requests for private showings began to roll in, leading to the launch of a corporate screening programme and another for schools in Hong Kong, as well as interest from distributo­rs around the world. This in turn led to life-changing events for the film’s stars. Private kindergart­en group Woodland Pre-Schools offered Nurul’s daughter a scholarshi­p, ultimately adding eight further scholarshi­ps for the children of asylum seekers. Avelino has become an in-demand public speaker, including hosting a local TED Talk. And the film’s soundtrack was released on Sony Music’s The Orchard label on 18 December – Internatio­nal Migrants Day – bringing the songs of Unsung Heroes to music streaming platforms around the world.

Bowers adds: ‘Every day, I get messages from people saying how much of an impact the film has had on them, how they just didn’t know what these people’s lives were like, and how it’s changed the way they look at the women next to them on the bus or on the MTR in really lovely ways.’ 若你曾於周日下午行經­中環銅或 鑼灣的維多利亞公園,此番景象想必歷歷在目︰成千上萬名東南亞女人­席地而坐,三五成群地吃喝聊天,甚至隨歌起舞。

首次來港的人或會對此­大感詫異,英國導演Joanna Bowers亦不例外,她曾於洛杉磯工作多年,其後移居本港。


她們大多來自印尼或菲­律賓,離鄉別井到香港當家庭­傭,望工 希 家鄉的日子能過上好日­子。這位導演遂萌生拍攝錄­紀 片《The = Helper》的念頭,娓娓道出本港外籍家傭­的經歷和犧牲。

在眾籌平台Kicks­tar ter籌得86,000美元( 67. 5萬港元)作攝拍 資金之後, Bowers開探始 究香港逾34萬名外籍­家傭所面對的問題,當中包括幾個格外感人­的故事。

一段錄紀傭外合團唱 Unsung Heroes表演的短­片,促使Bowers決心­拍攝她們的故事,此外,她還加入了Liza Avelino和Nu­rul兩位外傭做主角,前者攢存兩年薪水作為­經費,並以三周時間完成征服­喜馬拉雅山的心願;後者則被錯誤指控盜竊,幾乎與年幼女兒被驅逐­出境。

電影以2015年度香­港最大型音樂節Clo­ckenflap作結, Unsung Heroes合團唱在­台上向數千名觀眾獻唱。她們更獲邀在今年的國­泰航空/滙豐香港國際七人欖球­賽賽前活動中演出。

從思完構 到 成拍攝歷時兩年,《The Helper》於2017年5月在亞­洲協會香港中心首映錄。紀 片原先只公映五場,後因反應熱烈而登上香­港戲院的大銀,幕 締造出超過30場滿座­的驕人成績。

口耳相傳之下, Bowers開始收到­大量私人放映錄紀 片的邀請,遂發起企業及學校放映­活動;與此同時,來自世界各

地的電影發行商亦表示­對紀感。錄興片 趣片中一眾主人翁亦因­此遇上改變人生的際遇︰私立幼稚園辦集學 團樂林國際學校提供獎­學金給Nurul的女­兒,其後再增加八個獎學金­名額予其他尋求庇護人­士的子女; Avelino成為炙­手可熱的公開演講者,更於本地的TED論壇­中演說錄。紀 片的原聲大碟於12月­18日「國際移民日」在 Sony Music的數碼音樂­庫The Orchard上架將, Unsung Heroes的歌聲傳­至全球音樂串流平台。

Bowers補充道︰每「我 天都收到不少信息,向我映反 電影啟發了他們,他們表示以往未存了解­外傭的生活但, 今後若在巴士或地鐵遇­上她們,將會以更友善的目光來­看待她們。」

 ??  ?? Squad goals For The Helper, director Joanna Bowers (right) filmed a number of domestic helpers in Hong Kong – including choir Unsung Heroes (below left) 自豪的一群紀錄片《The Helper》導的
演Joanna Bowers(右圖)
傭,包括Unsung Heroes
Squad goals For The Helper, director Joanna Bowers (right) filmed a number of domestic helpers in Hong Kong – including choir Unsung Heroes (below left) 自豪的一群紀錄片《The Helper》導的 演Joanna Bowers(右圖) 拍攝多位在香港工作的­外 傭,包括Unsung Heroes 合唱團(左下圖)

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