


Beating the heat with the city’s newest (air-conditione­d) exhibition­s, bars and restaurant­s

JUNE’S A BUSY month in Hong Kong.

Firstly, we’re gearing up for the opening of Tai Kwun Centre for Heritage and Arts (1), a reinvigora­tion of the former Central Police Station, Victoria Prison and Central Magistracy on Hollywood Road that includes Swiss architect Herzog & de Meuron’s glassy cube. The first sections to open include the Police Headquarte­rs Block and the Barrack Block.

We’ll stick with art – but head over the Peak to the Southside. There’s always plenty happening in Wong Chuk Hang; we’ll be seeing what’s new in boundary-pushing Pékin Fine Arts, Blindspot Gallery and de Sarthe. Then to Blue Lotus Gallery, where there’s a group exhibition (until 16 June) featuring local artists including illustrato­r Pete Ross, who once designed a cover for this very magazine; while across the harbour at West Kowloon there’s an exhibition focusing on Southeast Asian visual art, design, architectu­re and moving images (from 22 June) at the M+ Pavilion (2).

In restaurant news, Italian eatery Osteria Marzia (3), on the ground floor of reinvigora­ted Wan Chai bolthole The Fleming, is now open for lunch. Or book a table at Écriture atop H Queen’s, the vertical arts centre in Central that hosts powerhouse galleries including David Zwirner, Hauser & Wirth and Pace. The minimalist French-Japanese restaurant, with blockbuste­r views of the skyline, is just as arty as its neighbours below. Just drinks? Tsim Sha Tsui’s swanky Aqua (4) will match your personalit­y to a cocktail. ( This writer’s? Probably a Noisy Control Freak. I made that up.)

Over at IFC mall there’s a dinosaur exhibition, run by local charity First Initiative Foundation, complete with a 13-metre T Rex skeleton (5) and other fossils, timed to coincide with the release of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (which you can catch at IFC’s cinema from 7 June).

A tradition that doesn’t date back quite as far as dinosaurs is this month’s Dragon Boat Festival (6) (18 June). You might not have trained for months like the athletes, but you can still support them at Central Harbourfro­nt with a cool-box full of Tsingtao.

Looking ahead, book a ticket to Hong Kong’s RISE tech conference (7) (9-12 July). Sponsored by this airline, the event invites entreprene­urs and techies – including the founders of Meitu and Tinder as well as Sophia the Robot – to the city to speak.


首先,我們已準備好迎接大館­古蹟及藝術館( 1)的開幕。這個位於荷李活道的活­化建築群括前中區警署、前域多利監獄及前中央­裁判司署三項法定古蹟,還有由瑞士建築設計公­司赫佐格和德默隆事務­所建造的玻璃立方體新­建築,首階段會開放警察總部­大樓和營房大樓等歷史­建築物。


參觀他們破格的新展覽,然後再去Blue Lotus Gallery藝廊參­觀那裡舉行的群展(展期至6月16

日止)。這個群展展出多位本地­藝術家的作品,括曾為這本雜 誌設計封面的畫家Pe­te Ross。至於在九龍西九文化區­的M+展亭( 2)則由6月22日起舉行­一個以東南亞為主題的­展覽,內容涵蓋視覺藝術、設計、建築及流動影像。

想品嚐佳餚美酒的話,意大利餐廳Oster­ia Marzia(3)現在開設午餐時段,它就在灣仔由舊酒店翻­新而成的芬名酒店地下,恭候你大駕光臨。你亦可到位於中環H Queen’s大廈的頂樓、風格簡約的法日餐廳


本地慈善團體領賢慈善­基金於香港國際金融中­心商場舉行恐龍展覽,展出13米高的暴龍骸­骨( 5)及多件化石。展覽期間適值電影《侏羅紀世界:迷失國度》公映,由67月 日起,你可於商場內的戲院欣­賞這部電影。

端午節( 6)( 6月18日)這個傳統節日雖不及恐­龍古老,但歷史亦相當悠久。中環海濱會舉行龍舟競­賽,你也許不參加比賽,但可帶備冰凍的青島啤­酒到場打氣,以表支持。

你亦不妨為下個月計劃­一下,預訂7月9至12日在­香港舉行的RISE科­技會議( 7)的門票。這個活動由國泰航空贊­助,廣邀企業家及科技專才,括美圖及Tinder­的創辦人,還有機械人Sophi­a來香港演講,是了解科技與創意新趨­勢的好機會。

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