



KEVIN MA takes a tour of the Japanese coastal city in fantasy Destiny: The Tale of Kamakura

IN THE JAPANESE fantasy film Destiny: The Tale of Kamakura, the titular seaside town is described as a ‘magnet for mystical energy’ by Masakazu, the lead character. You won’t find any of the film’s water imps or frog monsters in the real Kamakura, but you will find a charming seaside town 55 kilometres south of Tokyo.

Based on the long-running comic book series by Ryohei Saigan, also set in Kamakura, Destiny follows the adventures of novelist Masakazu (played by Masato Sakai), who uses his knowledge of the supernatur­al to solve unusual crimes. The film also focuses on his relationsh­ip with his wife, Akiko, who discovers the supernatur­al side of the city with equal measures of naivety and wonder.

Masakazu’s home was actually built in Toho Studios in Tokyo’s Nerima district, but the film opens with a best-of-Kamakura tour as it shows him and Akiko arriving in the town in their car. This is where the Destiny tour should start.

日本奇幻電影《Destiny :The Tale of Kamakura》的男主角一色正和形容­鎌倉是一個「吸引各種神秘力量海」的邊小城。然而,你絕不會在現實中的鎌­倉看電到影裡出現的河­童或青蛙男,只會見到一個位於東京­以南55公里的迷人海­邊城市。


一色正和在本的,片 家其實是在東京練馬區­的東寶片場內搭建而成,電但影在開場時,透過主角夫婦駕車進城,領帶觀眾來了一趟鎌倉­精華遊包,括以下這些著名景點。


A 10 minute walk from Kita-Kamakura Station is Jochi Temple. Its recognisab­le entrance – with a pond, a stone bridge and the phrase ‘the treasure you’re looking for is next to you’ above the gate – features in the opening driving sequence. After visiting the temple, stop by the Nichirin bakery for fresh bread; and Toshimaya for a box of Hato Sable, a popular buttery, dove-shaped biscuit that’s made the shop a Kamakura institutio­n (it also features in the movie).

從北鎌倉車站步行十分­鐘就來到淨智寺,寺院入口有小水池和石­橋,你絕不會錯過。在電影開場時,一色正駕和 車經過這裡,然後映入眼簾的就掛是 著「近在所寶」匾額的牌樓。參觀過寺院之後,不妨到附近的Nich­irin麵包幾店買 個新鮮麵包,或是去豐島屋買一盒鴿­子形牛狀的 油曲奇,這是鎌倉的名物,也曾在片出中 現。

WADAZUKA STATION和田塚­車站An expert in the supernatur­al, Masakazu is often recruited by police to solve odd mysteries. In one part, Masakazu investigat­es how a murderer is able to escape his home without going through the front door. He figures out that the Enoshima railway tracks run so close to people’s homes that the murderer can hop on the train from his bedroom window. Kamakura’s Wadazuka Station is where Masakazu sees his theory in action.

一色正和是超自然事物­的專家,經常接受警方委託偵查­神秘奇案。有一次,他接到一宗密室謀殺,案 請他調查兇手如何能夠­不經大門從家裡逃走。經過觀察之後,他發現江之島電的鐵路­軌非常靠民,近 居 兇手可以從臥室窗戶跳­上電。車 一色正和就是在鎌倉市­的和田塚站車 想出這套破的案 理論。

HIGHWAY 134國道134號線

It’s not a true Kamakura drive without cruising down Highway 134, which runs along the coast. The intersecti­on near Kamakurako­ko-Mae Station has become a popular spot for selfies because of its appearance in numerous movies (including Destiny) and music videos, as well as the opening credits of beloved anime series Slam Dunk.

國道134號高速公路­海沿 岸而建,是鎌倉自駕必的遊 經 路段。位於鎌倉高校前站附近­的平交道路口,除了在本片出現之外,亦可在多部電影及音樂­錄像中見到,更是人氣動畫系列《男兒當入樽》的片頭歌曲中一個場景,因此成為城中的熱門景­點,吸引許多人特地前來朝­聖兼自拍留。念


Masakazu’s drive also passes by the side of Kotoku-in Temple, which houses the Great Buddha of Kamakura. The bronze statue dates back to 1252, and has become one of the region’s most popular landmarks. The film uses CGI tricks to make the Buddha appear to stand above the temple’s walls – but in the real world, it’s impossible to see the statue without entering the temple grounds.

一色正和亦曾駕駛車 經高德院,鎌倉大佛就在那裡。大佛以鑄於青銅,造 1252年落成,現已成為區內一個廣受­歡迎的。地標 觀眾在片中見到大佛從­寺廟的圍牆上方露出來,其實是利用電腦合成製­出造 來的;效果 在現實裡大佛位於高德­院的園,庭 內 若不進入寺院,是無法從牆外見到的。

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