

It’s all about supersized and super- luxe in these hotel rooms.這些酒店房間不單面積­寬敞過人,裡面的陳設與享受更是­不同凡響。撰文: 與

- By CATHY ADAMS and MARK JONES Cathy Adams Mark Jones

Super-luxe and super big: enter the supersuite. By CATHY ADAMS and MARK JONES

ADDING A COUPLE of easy chairs and calling a hotel room a suite was never going to satisfy an elite travelling set used to boundary-pushing and elevated luxury hotels. Welcome to the supersuite.

As with supermodel­s and superyacht­s, the prefix isn’t a measure of size so much as it is of opulence and fame. Your supersuite fittings need to be supplied by the most in- demand designers, architects and artists. Your target market will be on the well-known side, too – locatable in the celeb columns, society pages and business magazine profile pages. That means they sometimes come with private access – via a private lift rather than the back stairs – or the ability to transform into a hyperconne­cted conference room or TV studio.

對懂得享受的旅遊達人­來說,求致追 極 奢華的高級酒店已是司­空見慣,而且要求愈來愈高;房間若只添、略 一 兩張漂亮的沙,發 然後就為稱之 套房,法並無 滿足他們的要求。有見及此,有酒店推出超級套房無, 論豪華與舒適程度均不­同凡響,為住客帶來無與倫比的­奢華住宿體驗。

正如超級模特兒與超級­遊艇一樣,超級兩字的意思與體沒­積 有太大關係,著眼的是名氣富與 麗堂皇的程度。你入住的超級套房,必須由最手熱設炙 可 的計師、建築師與藝術家來負責­設計、建造與佈置。而入住的客人,自然是報刊雜誌上常見­的名人與明星,因此直達房間的私人專­用電梯不可或缺,讓非富則貴的客人無需­用使 後門出入。此外,客人若有需,要 亦可將超級套房變身為­與外界緊密聯繫的會議­室或電視錄影室。


London was an early supersuite adopter, reflecting the jet stream of private wealth that’s been rushing through the city this century. After the first supersuite wave ( The Berkeley, Hotel Café Royal, the Corinthia and the Rosewood) comes the hotel that first set a new bar for luxury when it opened in 1865: The Langham.

The hotel’s new Sterling Suite is 4,843 square feet of marble, antiques, Murano glass, acclaimed chinoiseri­e and important rugs. The second bedroom is bigger than most master bedrooms; and the master bedroom has its own sitting room – a suite within a suite, if you like. A couple and their kids could stay for days and not bump into each other.

But the point of the Sterling is also to socialise. We attended an intimate gathering of 20 people there, and it could comfortabl­y have hosted twice that. The drawing room comes with a white piano which, together with art deco-ish side tables and mirrors, looks as if it’s just waiting for Noel Coward or Ivor Novello to wander in and tinkle the ivories.

London wasn’t always so welcoming to the super-luxe crowd. In 1980, The Langham’s landlord – the BBC – applied to turn it into offices. Thankfully it was saved and in 1995 passed into the hands of the current owners, Hong Kong’s Great Eagle Holdings. Sometimes it takes outsiders to appreciate what you have. langhamhot­


由本紀於世 有大量私人財富流入倫­敦,這個城市的酒店很早就­推出超級套房,首先由The Berkeley、皇家凱馥酒店、科林西亞大飯店與瑰麗­酒店帶動超級套房的潮­流,近日更有於1865年­業朗開 的 廷酒店加入行列,並且為超級套房的華麗­與舒適程度訂立新標準。

朗廷酒店的全新Ste­rling Suite套房面積4,843平方呎,以大理石、古玩、意大利Murano玻­璃飾、品 華麗的中國風擺設與奪­目的氈地 陳設佈置,氣派堂皇。套房內的客房比許多豪­宅的主人房更寬敞,而主人房內更有獨立的­起居室,可說是套房內再另設套­房。一對帶著小孩的夫婦入­住這裡,可以在套房內住上好幾­天都不會彼此碰面。

不過Sterling­套房亦可用社作 交款客的場地。我們在這裡參加過一個­小型聚會,當時大約有20位客人;不過即使客人的數目倍­增,空間依然容納得下,而且綽有餘。裕 客廳內放置了一座白色­的鋼琴,加上散發裝飾藝術風格­的茶几和鏡子,彷彿隨時可以見到著名­英國演員Noel Coward或Ivo­r Novello走方來­彈奏一曲。

不過,敦倫 並非經常張開雙臂迎歡­非富則貴一族的到來。1980年朗酒, 廷店業的 主BBC英國廣播公司­曾經申請將這座宏偉的­建築改作辦公室,幸好沒有成事並, 且於1995年轉到現­時的業主香港鷹君集團­手上。有時候反而是外來人才­懂得欣賞你手上擁有的。珍品langhamh­

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